
Oral Presentation

Upskill your oratory skills and overcome your stage fright! MSE-RSD22 provides you a platform to present your work among departmental colleagues for constructive feedback. Join us to cheer your peers for oral presentation!

  1. Please ensure to present your original research work done by you.
  2. Submit a short and concise abstract to convey your findings.
  3. Total time allotted to each speaker will be 15 minutes. Plan to speak for Maximum 12 minutes and leave 3 minutes for Q&A.
  4. Prepare your slides to be as precise as possible to stay within the time limit.
  5. Your presentation should provide the glimpse of the work being carried out in your research group.
  6. Use high resolution images to show the plots/graphs/flowcharts and avoid clustering all the data in one slide.
  7. Kindly give proper citations (Author, Journal, Volume, Issue, Year) at the end of each slide.
  8. Avoid using too many animations in the slides. Use light-colored backgrounds for better visibility of your content and maintain good contrast.
  9. Due acknowledgement must be given to the co-authors/collaborators and funding agencies.

In case of any query, you can contact Saurabh (email :


Time to showcase a picture-perfect micrograph of metallographic samples! Capture the beauty of metallurgy & materials science from your scholarly lenses!

  1. Micrographs shall be of good quality with proper micron bar (micrograph can be color or black and white)
  2. Assign captions to micrographs.
  3. Paste the micrographs on A4 size white sheet and write the name & roll no. of the participant on the backside.
  4. Participants should bring the final display copies as per following preparation guidelines.
  5. An individual can submit Max. 2 micrographs
  6. Organizers reserve the right to reject 'incomplete and inappropriate entries' In case of any query, you can contact Sony (email :

Elucidate (only for B.Tech., BT-MT & M.Tech. Students )

An extempore competition to explain basic physical and mechanical metallurgy concepts in your way!

  1. A individual/team consisting of the 3 people(max) can participate.
  2. Each team shall be given 2-3 minutes to speak on a topic picked up by team caption by draw of lots.
  3. 2 min of preparation time will be given to each team after the draw of the lots.
  4. Based on the knowledge of the picked topic, a team may send an individual or a group of people to extempore.
  5. No objection shall be entertained as the Decision of the Jury members shall be final.

In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to Nikhil (email:


Up for a nerdy squabble? RSD22 brings to you just the right event: Debate!

  1. 3 minutes will be given to present your view for/against the topic.
  2. After 3 min presentation of all the participants, 1 min will be given to all the participants to cut the points of opponents
  3. The decision of the judging committee will be final.
  4. The event will be conducted in offline mode.
  5. Topics: Material Science related & General topic.

MSE related: New materials v/s legacy materials (Should we focus our research on discovering new materials or improving the properties of the existing materials) General Topic: India's stand on Russia-Ukraine crisis
In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to Shruti (email:

Poster Presentation

This event provides a place for research scholars to share the knowledge among the peers of MSE department through poster presentation.

  1. The person who registered for poster presentation has to submit the abstract of their presentation by 06-05-2022 (send a mail to
  2. The person should be get ready with their poster by 06-05-2022 (send a soft copy( in PDF) of poster to
  3. The maximum time for the poster presentation can be 8 minutes +2 minutes for Q&A. In case of any queries, please reach out to Thirupati-8096696313 or

TMT - Two -Minute Thesis

Two Minute Thesis presentation is one of the events of RSD22 in which students from Ph.D, ,, BT-MT and final year B.Tech are supposed to give a two-minute brief talk to explain their thesis work and its effectiveness in today's scenario.

  1. The time allotted will be not more than two minutes
  2. If required, participant can have maximum of one slide.

In case of any query, you can contact Vandana (email:


For the folks who like sarcasm, satire & science, here’s a chance to show your meme-mettle! RULES FOR MEMELLURGY CONTEST

  1. The meme should not be vulgar in any sense.
  2. All the memes will be uploaded on the Facebook - MSE Page.
  3. The winner will be chosen on the basis of maximum likes.
  4. Participants can upload the meme through the form.
  5. The meme should be related to the MSE Engineering Branch and/or Department.

In case of any query, you can contact Shubham (email:


An exciting rapid-fire buzzer quiz for the quick-witted meta-maniacs & meta-wizards! RULES FOR METABUZZ:  On spot registrations!

  1. There can be multiple teams of upto 4 maximum (even single players can play). A virtual buzzer app will be installed in each partipant’s cellphone.
  2. State terminologies ending with the last alphabet of previous team’s word (Similar to popular Indian game ‘Antaakshari’).
  3. The team which presses a buzzer first will be given chance to answer. Maximum 10 seconds given after buzzer to answer. Repetition is not allowed.
  4. If failed to answer in own chance, points will be deducted. At the end of round, if the team fails to explain one sentence about the term, partial points will be awarded.
  5. Team with the maximum points at the end of the round will be declared the winner.
  6. All terminologies should be related to the Metallurgy or Materials Engineering.

In case of any query, you can contact Saumya (email:


Note: Apart from the exciting prizes & winners’ certificates in each event, participation certificates will also be provided to all participants.