You can make request for SEM (Carl Zeiss EVO 50 [WSEM]) slots here.

Letter for Testing (Word File)
Office Order(Pdf File)
Instructions for Users

Please note that SEM is an important facility run by research students and faculty members. Please book slots responsibly. Make bookings only
when you are sure to use them.

Every Week maximum 2 slots are allowed per user

Gold coating facility is available only on Wednesday at WL-103A (SEM Lab). So coat the non conducting samples before your slot.

Once you submit the request, an invoice will be generated. Please submit this invoice to Samata Samal (6053) within 24 hours. If you do not
submit within this time limit, your slot will get automatically cancelled and will be open for booking again.
Please submit the requisition form in the SEM lab (Carl Zeiss-Wl-103 A) drop box . Otherwise your slot will be cancel.

Non-IITK Users:
1. Non-IITK users need to send an email to Ms. Samata Samal ( with details of the sample. Users are responsible for proper preparation of their sample. Please see "User Charges" to get an estimate of the charges for utilizing the facility.
2. Non-IITK Users must come with a Demand Draft, in favor of "Registrar, IIT Kanpur" for the requisite user charges +18% GST and the SEM requisition form forwarded by his/her supervisor.

Due to overload on WSEM facility. We have restricted the booking of WSEM facility to users outside IITK. Now users from outside IITK can book a slot once a week (Friday). If any external IITK user reserves the slot on other days, we will remove the slot without providing any information.

(gold coating facility is available only on Wednesday and Friday)
Time of Booking(current time)


In case you submitted the request, but could not print the invoice for some reason, then you can
print this invoice and submit to the Lab-in-charge.(click here to print invoice)