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Publications on Ganga Plains
Sinha, R. and Sarkar, S. (2009) Climate-induced variability in the Late
Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial and fluvio-deltaic successions
in the Ganga plains, India. Geomorphology,113,
A.K., Arora, B.R.,.
Ghosh, S.K and Neetu Chauhan (2008)
Sub-surface features of Dehradun valley using
multichannel analysis of surface waves technique in Dehradun,
NW Himalaya, India- Communicated to Journal of Geophysics.
Sinha, R.
(2008) Late Quaternary Shallow Sub-surface Stratigraphy of the
Ganga plains. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 71(3), 446-47.
Tandon, S.K.,
Sinha, R., Gibling, M.R., Dasgupta, A.S., Ghazanfari, Parvez
(2008) Late Quaternary evolution of the Ganga Plains: myths and
misconceptions, recent developments and future directions.
Golden Jubilee Memoir of the Geol. Soc. India, No. 66, 259-299.
R., Bhattacharjee, P., Sangode, S.J., Gibling, M.R. and Tandon, S.K.,
Jain, M. Godfrey, D. (2007). Valley and interfluve sediments in the
southern Ganga plains, India: exploring facies and magnetic
signatures. Sed. Geol, 201, 386-411.
Sinha, R. & Friend, P.F. (2007) Quaternary fluvial systems of
India. QI, 159, 1-5.
Sangode, S. J., Sinha, R., O. S. Chauhan, B. Phartiyal, R. K.
Mazari, N. Suresh, Sheila Mishra, Rohtash Kumar, T. N. Bagati,
P. Bhattacharjee (2007) Environmental magnetic studies on some
Quaternary sediments of varied depositional settings in the
Indian subcontinent: Implications for detrital to authigenic
controls. Quaternary International, 159, 102-118.
Roy, N. G. and Sinha, R. (2007)
Understanding confluence dynamics in the alluvial Ganga–Ramganga
valley, India: An integrated approach using geomorphology
and hydrology. Geomorphology, 92/3-4, 182-197.
Sinha R., S.K.
Tandon, P. Sanyal, M.R. Gibling, D. Stuben, Zsolt Berner
and P. Ghazanfari (2006). Calcretes from a
monsoon-dominated Late Quaternary interfluve in the Southern
Ganga Plains : isotopic data and palaeoenvironmental
implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 242/3-4,
Tandon, S.K., Gibling M.R., Sinha R., Singh V., Ghazanfari
P., Dasgupta A., Jain M. and Jain V.
(2006) Alluvial valleys of the Gangetic Plains,
India: causes and timing of incision. In: Incised Valleys in
Time and Space, SEPM Special Publication no. 85, 15-35.
Sinha, R. (2005). Why do Gangetic rivers
aggrade or degrade? Current Science, 89(5), 836-840.
Roy, N. and Sinha, R. (2005) Alluvial
geomorphology and confluence dynamics in the Gangetic
plains, Farrukhabad-Kannauj area, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Current Science,
88(12), 2000-2006.
Sinha R., Jain
V., Prasad Babu G., and Ghosh S. (2005) Geomorphic
characterization and diversity of the fluvial systems of the
Gangetic plains. Geomorphology, 70/3-4 pp. 207-225.
Gibling, M.R. Tandon, S.K., Sinha, R. and Jain, M. (
2005). Discontinuity-bounded alluvial sequences of
the southern Gangetic plains, India: aggradation and
degradation in response to monsoonal strength. Journal of
Sedimentary Research, 75(3), 373-389.
Sinha, R.,
Tandon, S.K., Gibling M.R., Bhattacharjee, P.S. and Dasgupta,
A.S. (2005) Late Quaternary geology and alluvial
stratigraphy of the Ganga basin, Himalayan Geology, 26(1),
Sinha, R.,
Gibling, M.R., Tandon, S.K., Jain, V. & Dasgupta, A. S.
(2005) Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentology of the
Kotra section on the Betwa river, Southern Gangetic plains,
Uttar Pradesh. Jour. Geological Society of India, 65,
Sinha, R., Gibling, M.R., Jain, V. & Tandon,
S.K. (2005) Sedimentology and avulsion patterns of
the anabranching Baghmati river in the Himalayan foreland
basin, India. In: Fluvial Sedimentology (eds. Blum,
M. and Marriott, S.), Special
publication of the International Association of
Sedimentologists, 35, 181-196.