NCFlexE/SCDT has some essential characterisation facilities to help in the fabrication and development of various devices such as OLEDs, Sensors, OPV and OTFTs

Temperature Calibration Probe Sonication Goniometer Rheometer Mask-Writing

Temperature Calibration Facility


Temperature Calibration Bath

Model/Supplier: CALsys -35/200; Tempsens Instruments
Temperature Range: -35 to 200°C


The 'CALsys -35/200' has been designed to provide stable and accurate temperature to enable professionals to calibrate Temperature Sensing Devices by comparison method. The 'CALsys -35/200' model has been designed to be rugged and easily maintained. This model provides an isothermal enclosure in which the thermocouple/RTD can be calibrated against the temperature of the calibrator. For traceable calibration a master calibration sensor should be placed into the metal block alongside the unit under calibration


To calibrate Temperature Sensing Devices.

Internal IITK Charges
Outside IITK Academic Charges (including GST)

Industrial Charges (including GST)

Rs 500 per hour

Rs 1500 per hour
Rs 2500 per hour


Mr. Devendra Maurya (


Probe Sonication Facility


Probe Sonicator / Digital Sonifier

Model/Supplier: RTUL


The ultrasonic processor consists of a generator, transducer converter assembly and horn. The generator produces output power at a frequency of 20 KHz/36KHz. A piezo-electric transducer in the probe assembly converts the output of the generator in to vertical mechanical motion. A solid horn focuses the 20KHz/36KHz mechanical energy into the fluid to be treated. Acoustic energy radiated from the horn submits the fluid to extremely high acoustic pressure and is responsible for the production of a phenomenon called cavitation. Cavitation is caused by the sudden formation and collapse of pressure within the fluid. Extremely high pressure, temperature and shock waves are involved in this process and are useful in such processes as micro disruption, emulsification and the production of suspensions.


This is an ultrasonic processor which is basically used for mixing two different chemicals that are not mixed by conventional methods.

Internal IITK Charges
Outside IITK Academic Charges (including GST)

Industrial Charges (including GST)

Rs 250 per hour

Rs 500 per hour
Rs 1000 per hour


Mr. Devendra Maurya (





Model/Supplier: OCA 15EC, Data Physics


The OCA 15EC is the entry level measuring device for professional contact angle measurements and drop shape analysis.

    • Sample table horizontally movable (magnetic slide system) and adjustable vertically with precision mechanics
    • High performance 6.5-fold zoom lens
    • Integrated continuous fine focus, and adjustable observation angle
    • Video measuring system with USB 3 camera
    • LED-lighting with manual and software controlled intensity including automatic temperature drift compensation
    • Surface tension measurement by pendant drop method
    • Contact angle measurements
Internal IITK Charges
Outside IITK Academic Charges (including GST)

Industrial Charges (including GST)

Half day booking

Rs 300 per sample

Rs 500 per sample
Rs 1000 per sample
Rs 5000


Dr. Ashish (





Model/Supplier: MCR 102, Antonpaar


A rheometer is a laboratory device that measures the flow and deformation properties of materials, such as viscosity and viscoelasticity, in response to applied forces. It's a tool used in rheology research and is often used to analyze the rheological properties of polymer melts, solutions, suspensions, emulsions, coatings, inks, and food materials. Rheometers work by subjecting a sample to various types of stress, such as shear stress and deformation, and then measuring the relationship between the applied force and the resulting parameters. These parameters can include shear viscosity, elastic and viscous moduli, and more. To perform high quality analysis, it's important to properly adapt the geometry of the rheometer to the properties and conditions of the fluid being measured.

Internal IITK Charges
Outside IITK Academic Charges (including GST)

Industrial Charges (including GST)

Half day booking

Rs 400 per sample

Rs 600 per sample
Rs 1500 per sample
Rs 5500


Dr. Ashish (


Mask-Writing Facility



Model/Supplier: uPG-501 (Heidelberg)
Mask Size :

5” x 5” (fixed)

Design size: 4” x 4” (maximum)
Machine readable file formats: GDS (or DXF)
Minimum feature size: 3um
Internal IITK Charges
Outside IITK Academic Charges (including GST)

Industrial Charges (including GST)

Rs 10,000 per mask 

Rs 20,000 per mask 
Rs 30,000 per mask 


Dr. Ashutosh Tripathi (
