SID India Chapter

  • SID India Chapter co-sponsors Display and Lighting Symposium of International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductors 2011 (IWPSD 2011) being held at IIT Kanpur, India from December 18-22, 2011. (
  • SID India Chapter co-organizes  ICLA-2012 , the 4th International Confernce on Luminescence and its Applications, to be held Inidan Instituet of Chemical Technology at Hyderabad India from February 07-10, 2012 (Contact :Prof. K. Somaiah ; Dr. R.P. Rao ).

Chapter Officers 2011





Dr. G. Rajeswaran Raj has been with Moser Baer Photovoltaic Ltd (New Delhi, India) since July 2007 where he now leads the crystalline silicon, thin film amorphous silicon and concentrator photovoltaic operations and technologies.


Satish KAURA

Chairman and MD of Samtel Group of Industries.

Vice chair

Satyendra KUMAR

Dr. Satyendra Kumar was a Professor in Physics Department,I.I.T-Kanpur and is currently lending his services as CTO,Lanco Solar Group.


Yashowanta N. MOHAPATRA

Dr. Y. N. Mohapatra is a professor in Physics and Materials Science Programme department.,I.I.T-Kanpur


Monica Katiyar

Dr. Monika Katiyar is a Professor in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department,I.I.T-Kanpur