International Conference on
Energy Efficient LED Lighting and
Solar PhotoVoltaic Systems
at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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An exhibition of LED Lighting and Solar Photovoltaic products will be organized on the side lines of the International Conference. LED lights are bright with innovative & attractive designs. These are available in different power ratings meeting home and commercial requirements. These lights are efficient and have long life in comparison to CFLs and fluorescent tubes.

Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) is now quite popular technology. In few countries, it is meeting a large percentage of power requirements. Serious efforts are being made in our country too to make the technology viable. SPV are available from few watts to multi-megawatt levels meeting needs of different segments. In times of frequent power shutdowns, SPV can provide clean and noiseless electricity. The prices of these systems have heavily come down in recent years; and with govt. subsidy it is now affordable.

We urge manufacturers and vendors to put up their products for marketing and educating the general masses for long term benefits of LED Lighting and Solar Photovoltaic systems. There is nominal fee for putting up Exhibition stalls. The rates are given with caption ‘Exhibition Rates’ under download button.

IIT Kanpur