LSO Summer School 2025 at IIT Bombay, 16-21 June 2025. Contact Person: Prof. Ashutosh Mahajan (IEOR)

Large Scale Optimization
3rd Summer School and Conference
April 02-10, 2023


The third edition of the Large Scale Optimization (LSO) Summer School and Conference will be held during April 2-10, 2023 at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in association with the Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. The last two editions of the summer school, held at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (2022) and Indian Institute of Management Indore (2019), received encouraging response from both the academic and business communities.

The application of modern methods of LSO has become increasingly inevitable and pervasive. Integer Programs/Mixed Integer Programs Program (IPs/MIPs) are frequently used to model a variety of real-world optimization problems that arise commonly in Supply Chain, Logistics, Telecommunication, Machine Learning, etc. IPs/MIPs are notoriously difficult, often to the point where even the best IP/MIP solvers are unable to solve them in a reasonable amount of time. The goal of the Summer School on LSO is to train participants how to exploit the often hidden special structures of such problems, either through relaxation or decomposition into relatively simpler/smaller problems that can be efficiently solved using their special structures. The summer school will offer tutorials on a variety of decomposition techniques, including Lagrangian Relaxation, Benders Decomposition, Column Generation, Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition methods, Cutting Plane methods, Generalized Benders, Heuristic methods and Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs.

The colloquium is an informal forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas regarding optimization, with the goal of initiating new collaborations or bolstering existing ones, and exposing PhD students to the international community. The purpose is to highlight recent developments in theory, computation, and applications in these fields. The workshop combines a tutorial on each LSO technique with a research presentation on a problem that successfully applies the technique.

The conference on LSO bridges the concepts discussed in the school with the state-of-the-art research on these techniques in diverse fields. The goal is to bring together diverse communities working on large-scale optimization models arising from challenging combinatorial problems. The conference invites research papers and articles from the authors for presentation. All the papers and articles must be original and of high quality. For making an oral presentation the authors should submit an extended abstract of 1000 - 2000 words containing affiliation of all the authors and contact details of the presenting author. The abstracts will be peer reviewed by a committee of experts before acceptance.

Everyone interested in these areas of research is invited to attend. All participants must register.

Target Audience

  • Masters/PhD students/Postdocs working in Operations Research/Management Science/Industrial Engineering
  • Faculty members working with Integer Programs
  • Industry professionals in Optimization/Logistics/Supply Chain Domain
Important Dates

01 February 2023
Application and Registration opens for Summer School and Conference

28 February 2023
Application closes

06 March 2023
Acceptance notification

15 March 2023
Registration closes

02 - 09 April 2023
Summer School on Large Scale Optimization

10 April 2023
Conference on Large Scale Optimization