Definition of 5S
5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of below five Japanese words.It is also one of the best example of visual management.
The Concept of 5S
Sorting / Seiri
Set in order / Seiton
Shine / Seiso
Standardize / Seiketsu
Sustain / Shitsuke
Origins of 5S
5S as a methodology has come out of the techniques within Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) from the Toyota Production System (TPS).
Facts of 5S
5s is more than just housekeeping
Organizing your workplace not just tidying.
An Environment that promotes continual improvement by exposing waste and abnormalities.
Variety of 5S Applications
5S methodology has expanded from manufacturing and is now being applied to a wide variety of industries including health care, education, and government.
Principle of Improvement
Appreciating an improvement rather of searching mistakes in it.
Improvement through 5S
Before Improvement
After Improvement


Improvement through 5S
Before Improvement
After Improvement


5S in PC
5S can also be done in PC by which work can be easier & document/file can be easily retrieved by the below given method. Separate folders can be made for putting files in their desired category.
General method
Correct method


By implementing 5S in document area of Import section along with others improvements in scoped areas, a record board has been hanged in document area of Import section for recording & displaying further improvements which didn't existed previously.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


By implementing 5S in document compactor of Import section a file can be retrieved within a minute when required.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


Please do not drag a file when needed. Take it out in a proper manner, as discipline is the most important factor of sustaining an improvement. Please follow the below given image for withdrawing any file from file compactor.
Improper method
Correct method


By implementing 5S in receipt unit of central stores a file can be retrieved within a minute when required.
Proper segregation of files on the basis of colour coding done as per the group of PO/documents, i.e. yellow code is for PO files of Acct 2, Pink code is for other general files and green files are of Acct 1 PO's.
The below filing process comprises record of whole financial (FY 17-18) at a single place.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


By implementing 5S in receipt unit of central stores a file can be retrieved within a minute when required.
Proper segregation of files on the basis of colour coding done as per the group of documents, i.e. yellow code is for store related files used on daily basis, Orange code is for PO related files and green files are of other related documents.
The below filing process comprises record of documents used on daily basis and are most frequently asked. This process helps in time saving as previously there was no such segregation of files which results in time loss.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


By implementing 5S in scrap storage area of central stores a lot can be easily identified on the basis to their defined lot No. and Deptt name.
Proper segregation of lots on the basis of various blocks made for keeping every lot separate.
Identification of each lot can be done through pasted A4 flags of each lot.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


Before Improvement
After Improvement


By implementing 5S in stock able item storage area of central stores any stock able item can be easily identified within a minute when required for issuing.
Proper item coding of each stock able item (as per defined item code of MM) in each bin.
Identification of each item is done through pasted A4 flags of item codes.
This process will also help in fiscal stock verification whenever required.
Before Improvement
After Improvement


Before Improvement
After Improvement


Before Improvement
After Improvement


MM Module
Successfully designed, developed & implemented MM Module with the help of Office automation team in Purchase & Store section for proper stock management of central stores which previously was maintained on MS Excel till 2017-18.
Approx. 1-year time was elapsed in successful implementation of MM Module in Purchase & Store section.
Report on Material Management (MM Module)
About- Material management is an approach for planning, organizing, and controlling all those activities principally concerned with the flow of materials into an organization.
Scope- Materials Management varies greatly from company to company and may include material planning and control, production planning, Purchasing, inventory control, in-plant materials movement, and waste management.
Materials planning and control: Materials required for any operation are based on the sales forecasts and production plans. Planning and control is done for the materials taking into account the materials not available for the operation and those in hand or in pipe line.
This involves estimating the individual requirements of parts, preparing materials budget, forecasting the levels of inventories, scheduling the orders and monitoring the performance in relation to production and sales.
Participation of Store in Material Management: Once the material is delivered, its physical control, preservation, minimization of obsolescence and damage through timely disposal and efficient handling, maintenance of records, proper locations and stocking is done in Stores.
MM Module helps procurement professional in the following areas:
It connects buying activity with planning activity through PR (purchase requisition) which is based on its defined min max level.
ABC analysis of stocked items
If you need item portfolio it gives all related transactions
It gives all purchased material history
It's easy to follow and check the status of all your stocked items and plan accordingly.
Materials Management module consists of several components and sub-components. The most prominent and widely used are Master Data, Purchasing and Inventory.

All of these components have their subcomponents that are essential in specific business processes, and all of the processes are executed by using transactions.