Time |
Activity |
9:00 |
Registration and Tea |
9:30 |
Welcome (Ashish Garg) |
Plenary Session |
10:00 |
Address by Chief Guest |
10:15 |
Address by Guest of Honor Dr. Ajay Mathur, ISA (Online) |
10:30 |
Plenary Talk |
10:45 |
Discussion and High tea |
Session-I |
Sustainability Issues and Pathways |
11:20 |
Dr. Navroz Dubash, CPR (Online) |
11:35 |
Dr. Nitin Pandit, Ex-Director, WRI and ATREE |
11:50 |
Dr. Anoop Singh, Professor, IIT Kanpur |
12:05 |
Q/A |
12:15 |
Break |
Session-II |
Implementation Challenges and Opportunities Chair: Dr. Pradip Swarnakar (12:25-12:30) |
12:30 |
Dr. Jai Asundi, Executive Director, CSTEP |
12:45 |
Dr. Raj Shekhar, Commissioner, Kanpur Mandal |
13:00 |
Dr. S.N. Tripathi, Professor, IIT Kanpur |
13:15 |
Mr. Amitabh Sinha, Resident Editor, Indian Express Pune |
13:30-14:30 |
Lunch Break |
14:30 |
Dr. Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Fellow (CEEW) - Online |
14:45 |
Mr. Alexander Hogeveen Rutter, ISA |
Session-III |
Chairs: Dr. Mousami Prasad and Mr. Vaibhav Chowdhary |
15:00-16:30 |
Panel Discussion (Netzero and sustainability roadmap for India: Challenges and |
16:30 |
Closing remarks and vote of thanks |
16:40 |
Networking Tea and Posters |