
In 2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) established Chandrakanta Kesavan Centre for Energy Policy and Climate Solutions with support from distinguished alumnus Mr. Sudhakar Kesavan https://sudhakarkesavan.com. The Center aims to bring together and work with the policymakers, industries, civil society, and other stakeholders for the implementation of technology, policy and strategic solutions to mitigate and adapt to the issues posed by climate change. Center has been advancing cutting edge research on decarbonization, climate resilience and adaptation, energy sustainability, and is developing innovative energy and climate solutions, to name a few. The Center is spearheading the task of making IIT Kanpur carbon neutral and is also working closely with Kanpur city administration under the smart cities mission.

To mark the first year of its inception, the Center is organizing a grand symposium on “India’s Sustainable Future: Challenges and Opportunities vis-a-vis Global Perspectives” on 12th October 2022 at IITK. The aim of this symposium is to bring eminent policy makers, climate and energy experts together with academicians and to share perspectives on emerging energy and climate policy, technology, sustainability and other relevant topics. The objective is to advance the discussion on India’s strategy for a sustainable future and to catalyze strategic collaborations.

List of Participants

  1. ATREE
  2. Nitin Pandit, Ex Director

  3. Boston Consulting Group
  4. Vivek Adhia

  5. CEEW
  6. Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Fellow

  7. CIFF
  8. Shirish Sinha, Director

  9. Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
  10. Navroz Dubash, Professor

  11. CSTEP
  12. Jay Asundi, Executive Director

  13. Government of India
  14. Anil Kumar Jain, IAS
    Secretary, Ministry of Coal

  1. Government of UP
  2. Ashish Tiwari, IFS
    Secretary, Department of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

  3. Indian Express
  4. Amitabh Sinha, Senior Editor

  5. Infosys
  6. Swapnil Joshi, Director

  7. International Solar Alliance
  8. Ajay Mathur, Director General
  9. Alexander Hogeveen Rutter

  10. Kanpur Administration
  11. Raj Shekhar, IAS
    Kanpur Commissioner

  12. Peepal tree school
  13. Atul Gopal

  1. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
  2. Abhay Karandikar
  3. Anoop Singh
  4. Ashish Garg
  5. Deepika Swami
  6. Mousami Prasad
  7. Rajeev Jindal
  8. Pradip Swarnakar
  9. S. Ganesh
  10. S. N. Tripathi
