MBA 2015-17-”Meet the freshers”

Mon, Aug 31, 2015

In Focus

IIT Kanpur is undoubtedly the place to fearlessly follow your dreams. Certainly, we are the privileged ones. Settling down at a new place is never easy, but after spending one month here in IIT Kanpur, this fact already seems to be a myth. All of us came here chasing big dreams and carrying a whole lot of expectations wondering how this new place will treat us. Within a month’s span, we have fallen in love with this charismatic place. If the astounding facilities of this beautiful campus were not enough, the people on this journey with us have elevated it to a higher level.
Just a week before arriving at the campus, we were given induction assignments to prepare us to have our thinking hats on. The vision and the divergent thought process that our MBA program is built to inculcate in us had started even before the course commenced. The hope of a relaxed first week of college was punctured by three assignments that followed. The first involved creating an appealing advertisement for any product or service, new or old. With the limited essential resources in our hands, it made us go the extra mile for some really creative products and issues close to our heart. The second task led us to something that we all think about but hide in the deep caverns of our brains, a business startup. An opportunity to rack our brains, it transpired into such innovative and novel ideas that we were astounded by the talent pool around us. With an array of engineers from diverse backgrounds like IT, mechanical, aerospace, electrical and electronics, we ended up engulfing our technical skills with sheer management prowess. Our final task was article writing which ended up providing us with some deep insight into several social and business issues. The knowledge required for this activity gave us a great opportunity to know some amazing facts and figures which we probably would have otherwise missed. It definitely promotes reading culture with most of our batch already into reading newspapers and magazines. But the most important aspect of all three activities was team building and with different teams for all the tasks, we ended up knowing our peers much better and building a great rapport amongst us even before our classes commenced. Our seniors really pushed us for these activities and appreciated our efforts which made it all the more worthwhile. Their review and analysis went a long way in us, recognizing our mistakes and pushing us on. We hope to flourish under their constant guidance and ultimately try to match up to the standards that our highly respected and insightful alumni have set.
Sports have been a constant source of team building and relaxation in our short time here. We have been involved in several sporting activities like football, volleyball, cricket, basketball, badminton, and table tennis with short training sessions on boxing and self-defense arts and we hope to explore and learn a lot more in our tenure here. It has slowly dawned on us that we are in company of some great athletes and players with zonal, state and national level experience in Karate, fencing, chess, cricket, football, athletics, kabaddi and several other sports.
Cultural and social activities are also coveted by our batch and we have some amazing dancers and drama artists who have already been active in the dancing events happening on campus. We have a lot of experience in our batch in terms of event organization and several people are actively involved in social issues with several NGOs. We completely believe in and support their cause.
We are a batch of 34 odd students coming from almost every corner of India. We have students from Kerala in the South to Delhi in the North, Maharashtra in the West to West Bengal in the East. Also, a couple of our batch-mates are from Bihar, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh. Apart from diversity in region there is diversity in their technical background and work experience. We have Computer, Civil, Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Biotech, Aerospace engineers in our batch. Most of them have work experience in either private or government organizations. Our batch-mates have worked in TCS, Accenture, Dell, Cognizant, WS Atkins, L&T, Andrew Yule, Central Excise, PWD to name a few. Last but not the least; the energetic, innovative fresher too garnish the batch. Together we have an average work experience of 19 months.
In spite of such diversities, the past one month was sufficient to know and understand each other. We like to be together and enjoy each other’s company.MBA at IITK has provided us the platform where we could share our opinions, knowledge which ten folds our personality. Our batch is always keen to participate in various management competitions, be it organized by some B-school or corporate organizations. We promise to carry forward the legacy of superiority carried out by our seniors. The ambiance of this place inspires us to do better than ever each time.

I kept dreaming of a world I thought I’d never see & then one day I got in.

Best Regards,

Alumni Relations Team

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