Editorial (Nov’12)

Fri, Nov 30, 2012

From the Editor's Desk

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”

E.F. Schumacher

As the November edition of Avant Garde is being released the campus is marching intensely towards the much awaited part of the year, the placement season! Corridors of the hostels, mess tables, cycling tracks and badminton courts all are echoing with the hot discussions on complicated academic concepts and thoughtful plannings about the future course of the candidates.

November was the month of a thrilling roller coaster ride as it was dotted completely with the End semester exams, term paper submission, special studies and industrial project presentations & submissions. After all it is the way two years of the life goes past an MBA grad, leaving behind the sweet fragrance of condensed learning and experience derived through hard efforts.

The major event of the month was the TedX IIT Kanpur chapter. That brought artists, thinkers, motivators, scientists and social workers to the campus to discuss their insights on what they think is happening around or going to happen in recent times.

This edition is centered around the theme of ’simplicity’ and shows through different articles the facets of simplicity that are going to mold the lives of common man in near future!

Articles covered in this edition are:

On Dec 2-3, Bhopal Gas Tragedy will complete its 28th years of occurrence. In focus of this edition Mayank Singh from MBA Batch of 2013 argues on how our constitutional rights were intended for real persons, not artificial creations. But with time corporations have emerged as most powerful entities in this century. He discusses the agony of the people of Bhopal through the lens of corporate person-hood as highlighted by the case of Bhopal gas tragedy. This brings back the question, is the system we are relying ’simple’ and efficient enough.

Monica Agrawal from MBA batch of 2013, shares her experiences from the HCL Emerging Women Business Leaders’ Summit held in September, 2012 where 2 women leaders were invited from each of the 30 top B-schools of India. She shares her understanding on how world leaders today are understanding the importance of women participation in decision making and relates it to the innate nature and skills they possess.

With the 100% recent FDI roll-out in parliament, the stage is set for the foreign investors to boost the organized retail sector in India. Mukul Joshi of MBA 2013 batch tries to highlight the legal aspect of the pricing and servicing model followed in these retail stores. Such a model has added to the convenience and cut the extra cost involved through a simplistic approach of customer freedom. He brings out an analysis on ‘offer’ vs ‘invitation to a offer’ in context of self service stores model through a self prepared case.

Prof. Sunil Handa, visiting faculty IIMA has motivated his students to follow the path less traveled. Chetan Bhagat, Rahsmi Bansal and Sanjeev Bikhchandani (Founder, Naukari.com) have all been his students under Laboratory on Entrepreneurial Motivation (LEM). Students of IIT Kanpur also got the opportunity to be the part of two day extensive workshop as famously called LEM. Anil Kumar from MBA batch 2014 shares his experience on how the workshop was an eye-opener and in very basic and simple manner Prof. Handa communicated the concepts that compelled him to work on breaking his shell of misconceptions.

Anand P. Gautam from MBA 2014 Batch shares his delight on cloud storage as a means of data storage and retrieval mechanism, which provides the option of ’simultaneity’ in access and is a boon for team working and assignments. At the same time it is opening avenues for future inter-linkages and progressions towards ’simplicity’ in carrying and transferring data.

We hope that you like this edition of Avant Garde.

Feel free to post your comments on the articles in the “Add Comment” section. We await your comments, criticism and appreciation.

Till the next issue, wish you a Happy Reading!

Team AG.


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