Kanpur held its 42nd annual convocation on 3rd July 2010 with
the Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh as the chief guest
of the program. The institute honored him with a doctoral degree
in Science. Dr. Singh is the fifth person to receive an honorary
degree from the Institute, the other recipients were Prof. Norman
C. Dahl (first KIAP leader), Sri Morarji Desai (former Prime Minister),
Dr. P. K. Kelkar (former Director, IITK) and Dr. A. P. J. Abdul
Kalam (former President).
In this years Convocation, 1195 students were awarded degrees.
The Doctor of Philosophy was awarded to 131 scholars, and various
medals and prizes were also awarded for meritorious performance.
The President's Gold Medal was awarded to Nerella Tejaswi Venu
Madhav of Physics and the Director's Gold Medal was awarded to
Paraj Titum also of Physics. For details on all the awards and
prizes please Click
The Prime Minister in his address, lauded the contributions made
by IIT Kanpur in research and development. He emphasised that
all the IITs should collaborate more with each other in research
and also with the corporate sector to look for cost effective
solutions for various problems. The Institute used this opportunity
to launch some new projects. Two of them namely, the Solar Energy
Research Experimental Station project and the Ganga Basin Project
were inaugurated by the Prime Minister himself. The Solar plant
set up by the Institute is expected to generate 850 KW of electricity
for neighbouring villages like Nankari, Nara Mau, Baikunthpur,

Teacher Award 2010
Distinguished Teacher Award
instituted by IIT Kanpur in the year 2002 in order to acknowledge
the contribution of the faculty to teaching. The following faculty
members were awarded the Distinguished Teacher Award for the year
2010 on the occasion of Teachers Day:
Prof. R. Balasubramaniam of the Department of Material Science
and Engineering.
Prof. S. D. Joglekar of the Department of Physics.
Prof. V. N. Kulkarni of the Department of Physics.
S. S. K. Iyer of the Department of Electrical Engineering.
Amit Mitra of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Conferences and Lectures
on effective use of SCORM package and player in Brihaspati 2,
was held
from 19th - 20th June 2010. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference
Model), is a set of specifications that, when applied to academic
course content, produces small, reusable eLearning objects. The
objectives of the workshop were to make the participants familiar
with fundamental SCORM concepts, to give them a place to access
pertinent SCORM resources along with adlnet.org and to enable
them to design their courses in concordance with SCORM compliant
learning management systems. For details visit: http://brihwiki.iitk.ernet.in/WebApp/QIP3/
National Workshop on Deployment and Use of NPTEL Courses
was held from 12th - 13th July 2010.The aim of the workshop was
to conduct course specific sessions by bringing together the faculty
who developed the course with the teachers who are likely to use
the lecture material. The disciplines covered in this workshop
were Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
and Computer Science and Engineering. For details visit: http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/workshop/index.htm
was held from 13th -14th July, 2010. The aim of the conference
was to provide an opportunity to researchers, engineers, academicians
as well as industrial professionals to come together and exchange
novel ideas and share experiences. Chemical Engineering has come
up with evolutionary and inspiring ideas like Reaction Engineering
and Catalysis, Process Control and Optimization, Energy and Environment,
Nanotechnology and many more. Thus ChEmference2010 provided a
platform to celebrate and to share the innovations and advancements
in Chemical Engineering and allied fields. For more details visit:
A. K. Sood, Department of Physics, Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore gave a lecture titled Limitless Beauty of
Soft Matter Physics on 24th July 2010. He is internationally renowned
for his research on Raman and Brillouin scattering, ultrafast
spectroscopy, transport measurements, dynamic light scattering,
and rheology. The systems he has investigated include both hard
and soft condensed matter. Prof. Sood is an elected fellow of
INSA, IASc., NASI, TWAS (Trieste) and he has received numerous
prestigious national and international awards.
In his talk he said that soft matter systems like colloidal suspensions,
surfactant and lipid based gels, emulsions , paints, cosmetics,
mayonnaise etc. are ubiquitous in nature and have come to be recognized
as the paradigm of beautiful physics both in equilibrium
and non-equilibrium conditions. All these systems show unusual
response to modest perturbations like shear, electric and magnetic
fields. He took examples from his laboratory to illustrate the
flow behavior of gels showing both order and chaos, and shear
thickening and jamming. He also showed how the basic physics of
colloids under an electric field has led to an application in
ultra sensitive immunoassay.
Sandeep Verma,
of Chemistry, has been awarded the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize
for the year 2010 in Chemical Science, for his significant contribution
towards mimicking enzymes through metal-mediated systems and studying
ordered peptide assemblies as artificial models of neurodegenerative
protein aggregation. Prof. Verma did his PhD from the University
of Illinois, Chicago, USA in 1994. He joined the Institute in
the year 1997.
Kantesh Balani,
Department of Material Science and Engineering has been awarded
the INAE Young Engineer Award 2010.
Prof. V. Chandrasekhar, Department
of Chemistry, has been awarded the Chemical Research Society of
India Silver Medal for the year 2011 in recognition of his extensive
and outstanding contributions to research in chemistry.
Prof. Debashish Chowdhury, Department
of Physics, has been elected as a Fellow of the Indian National
Science Academy.
Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande (Director, IITK),
Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the Dewang
Mehta Business School Award, for his outstanding contribution
to higher education in India.
Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been elected
as a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy.
Dr. S. Ganesh, Department of Biological Sciences
and Bioengineering, has been selected for the DAE-SRC Outstanding
Research Award of the Department of Atomic Energy.
Dr. S. Mahesh,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded
the INAE Young Engineer Award 2010.
Prof. Sanjay Mittal, Department
of Aerospace Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of the
Indian National Science Academy.
Prof. R. N. Mukherjee, Department of Chemistry,
has been awarded the Chemical Research Society of India Silver
Medal for the year 2011 in recognition of his extensive and outstanding
contributions to research in chemistry.
Dr. Shalabh, Department
of Mathematics and Statistics, has been awarded the Mahalanobis
Memorial Medal (MMM) - National Award for the year 2008 by the
Indian Econometric Society, India in 2010.
Prof. Vinod K. Singh, Department of Chemistry, has
been elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy.
Prof. Y. D. Vankar, Department
of Chemistry, has been awarded the prestigious J. C. Bose National
Fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, Government
of India.
R. Ravishankar
over as the new head of the Physics Department on 9th August,
R. N. Mukherjee took over as the new head of the Chemistry
Department on 9th August, 2010.
R. Sankararamakrishnan took over as the new head of
the Biosciences and Bio-engineering Department on 30th August,
Satish Dinakar Joglekar passed
away on 10th July, 2010. Prof. Joglekar was the Poonam and Prabhu
Goel chair professor at IIT Kanpur. He was born in 1949. He obtained
his PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics from the State University
of New York at Stony Brook in 1975. He joined IIT Kanpur as a
faculty member in 1981. Prof. Joglekar was one of our most distinguished
theoretical physicists. He had a very deep understanding of Quantum
Field Theory and Particle Physics and made many important contributions
to the area.
Vishwas N. Kulkarni passed away on 24th July, 2010.
He carried out his doctoral work in the Nuclear Physics Division
of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, and obtained
his doctoral degree from Marathwada University Aurangabad, in
1981. Prof. Kulkarni joined IIT Kanpur in 1986. He was a brilliant
experimental physicist in the field of low energy particle accelerators
and interdisciplinary research using energetic ion beams. He was
one of the main architects in the establishing of the current
world class facilities and research programmes at the Ion Beam
Complex consisting of a 1.7 MeV Tandetron accelerator, a state-of-art
Focused Ion Beam system and other complementary facilities for
the development of modern and futuristic technology.
Institute expresses its deepest condolences to the bereaved families
of Prof. Joglekar and Prof. Kulkarni and prays for the peace of
the departed souls.
+ 91-512-259 7635/ 7542 Fax: +91-512- 259 0353 Email drpg@iitk.ac.in,
Published by: Office of the Dean, Resource
Planning & Generation, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur-208 016, India