Institute Milestones
Alumni News
Faculty Chairs
Faculty Research Fellowships
Lecture Series
Station: IIT
Kanpur added another feather in its cap on 26th March 2010 by launching
its Community Radio. The entire launch ceremony was aired live,
starting with a 10-minute documentary on community radio by Amit
Tripathi, the RJ for the station, and was followed by the address
of Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande. A few faculty members and students also
spoke over the radio. To make this occasion more meaningful, a two-day
workshop (26 - 27 March, 2010) was organized on Community Radio
Awareness by the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia
(CEMCA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India. Dr. R. Sreedher, Director, CEMCA, was present
on the occasion. Also present were representatives from various
functional Community Radio stations in Uttar Pradesh. The workshop
dealt with the various aspects of Community Radio like the purpose
of CRs, licensing procedures, case studies based on the functional
CRs in UP, the setting up of a CR station and available technology,
etc. The IIT Kanpur Community radio will cater to the needs and
interests of the community; a variety of programmes will be aired
at 90.4MHz frequency ranging from education, agriculture, health,
environment and social welfare to classical music.

of Class-of-85:From 25th to 27th December 2009,
the Class-of-85 celebrated its Silver Jubilee Reunion - back@iitk
class-of-85. What distinguishes the batch of 1985 is the fact
that this was the year in which a double batch graduated due
to the change from 5 year BTech programme to 4 year BTech
programme. More than 106 alumni participated in this reunion,
most of them with their families. As the alumni caught up
with old friends, the past 25 years seemed to vanish. The
visiting alumni also interacted with the current students,
providing information about career opportunities and sharing
their own experiences.
The inauguration ceremony for the SJ Reunion
was held at the Outreach Auditorium on 26 December 2009. The
Deputy Director IIT Kanpur, Prof. R. K. Thareja, welcomed
the Class-of-85 to the campus. On the 27th evening there was
a gala musical night with Smt. Malini Awasthi (w/o Mr Avanish
Awasthi, an almnus of '85) a popular and leading professional
singer of Uttar Pradesh. There was also a Professional Music
Nite by Shri Amit Kumar who sang old popular film songs and
the alumni could not resist joining in the singing.

of Class-of-75:After the success of the Silver
Jubilee Reunion in 2000, there was a lot of excitement in
the Class-of-75 to make the 35th Reunion a success also. About
50 alumni with their families arrived on the campus from 28th
to 30th December 2009. During these three days they visited
the hostels, went around the campus and got an idea of how
large the campus had grown with new hostels, sports fields,
activity centers and academic buildings. On 29th December
2009 there was a formal inauguration of the Alumni Meet at
the Outreach auditorium where Dr. Sanjeev K. Aggarwal, Dean,
planning and Generation addressed the alumni
and conveyed the need for greater participation by them in
the Institute affairs. The alumni also found time to remember
their batch mates who are no more. Mrs. Sarita Bhargav, wife
of Late Prof. Sanjeev Bhargav of Class-of-75, attended the
reunion with her daughter Akankha. Dr. Thareja felicitated
the Class-of-75 with mementos and a beautifully framed group
photograph of the Class-of-75. The alumni returned home with
lots of pleasant memories of yet another happy reunion, and
the hope of coming back again perhaps for the Golden Jubilee,
if not earlier.

Batch Reunion (Batch-of-1960) was organized from
18th to 21st February 2010. A few faculty members who taught
during 1960 -1965 also took part in this momentous event.
The Pioneer Batch Reunion was formally inaugurated at the
Outreach Auditorium by Prof. Muralidhar, Acting Director and
Prof. Sanjeev K. Aggarwal, Dean, Resource Planning and Generation.
Many activities were scheduled for the alumni and pioneering
faculty, such as visits to various departments, a visit to
the IITK Golden Jubilee exhibits centre, the screening of
an IITK movie at the Outreach Auditorium, a visit to Campus
Outreach Projects and an informal meeting with the Director,
Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande.
Also, an Open Seminar was hosted by the
Pioneer Batch at the Outreach Auditorium. The theme was Our
Roles and Responsibilities in the Broader Public Life.
The idea was to bring about an awareness of the needs of those
less fortunate than ourselves; it was also a call for action
on what can and should be done for such weaker sections of
our society. Some IITK faculty members also made research
presentations, highlighting the research going on in the institute
in their fields of expertise. IITK students organised a Dance
Extravaganza, and there was a Talent show by the visiting
alumni, which went on till late in the night and ended with
the sharing of reminiscences with batch-mates and families.

Faculty Chairs
Chair: The Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOC) celebrated
its Golden Jubilee in 2009. Established as an oil marketing entity
on June 1959, the Indian Oil Company Ltd. was renamed Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd. in September 1964 following the merger of Indian
Refineries Ltd. with it. During its Golden Jubilee year the Indian
Oil Corporation has established a 'Chair Professor of Petroleum
Technology' at IIT Kanpur for a faculty member working in environment
friendly technologies in the hydrocarbon sector.
SBI Chair:
SBI has instituted a chair to be given to a faculty member working
in the area of energy and environment with special emphasis on innovations
in the field of solar energy. SBI is the largest state-owned banking
and financial services company in the country with over 16,000 branches
all over India
Jag Mohan Garg Chair:Mr. Sudhir M. Mittal (BT/CHE/70)
has instituted a chair in memory of his mentor and cousin late Dr.
Jag Mohan Garg. Dr. Garg did his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering
from Brooklyn Polytechnic, USA. He was a distinguished teacher,
engineer, industrialist, idealist, mentor, nationalist and philanthropist.
Faculty Research Fellowships
S. Bindra Fellowships: Dr. D. S. Hur,
Chairman and CEO of GS Caltex Corporation, Korea, has set up two
Research Fellowships in honour of Mr. Jagjeet S. Bindra (BT/CHE/69).
One fellowship is open for any faculty member from Chemical Engineering
and the other for any faculty member from any Department. Mr. Bindra
is a distinguished alumnus of IIT Kanpur and has been very supportive
of the institute. He has recently assumed the responsibility of
becoming the Chairman of the IIT Kanpur Foundation which helps and
guides the institute on various issues.
and Visalakshi Scholarship: Mr. Ramakrishnan
Balasubramanian (BT/ME/89) has instituted a scholarship in the name
of Balasubramanian and Visalakshi Scholarship. The scholarship is
to be awarded to a meritorius BTech student of Computer Science
and Engineering Department.
Krishanu Biswas, Department of Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering, has been chosen for the INSA Young Scientist Medal
Ashish Garg, Department of Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering, has been awarded the Australia India Science and Technology
Research Award (AISTRA).
Ashok K. Mittal, Department of Industrial and Management
Engineering, has been honoured with the Life Time Achievement Award
2010 for his excellent contributions in the field of Management
Education. The Award was given by the Dr. Virendra Swarup Institute
of Computer Studies, Kanpur on the occasion of the passing out ceremony
CONCOURSE-2010 for the PGDM programme held on May 30.
was organized from 11th to 14th February
2010. It had competitions, talks, workshops, exhibitions and numerous
fun events to enliven the atmosphere and make the festival a grand
treat. A number of new initiatives in competitions were taken in
Techkriti 2010 such as the India Innovators Challenge held in association
with the National Innovation Foundation (NIF), a re-engineering
competition based on grass-root technologies, and a Business Plan
Competition - Ideas. Techkriti 2010 also saw great participation
in IORC (Indian Open Rubik's Cube) with new national records being
created. Talks in Techkriti 2010 were given by speakers ranging
from Nobel laureates to business wizards who have literally accomplished
Mission Impossible. Some of the eminent personalities who graced
Techkriti 2010 with their presence were Prof. Douglas D. Osceroff,
Nobel laureate, Physics, Prof. Rolf D. Heuer, Director General CERN,
Prof. Oliver Smithies, Nobel laureate, Medicine, Dr. H. Paul Shuch,
Executive Director, SETI League, Mr. Dilip Chhabria, Head of DC
Designs Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Jaya Prakash Narayan, Former IAS, MLA and
Social activist. Techkriti 2010 also witnessed some dazzling exhibitions
such as Face Bots, Spherical Robots, Solar Car and Musical DNA.
There were also performances by top professional shows such as The
Laserman by Theo Dari from France, Feeding the Fish from UK, and
Sand Animation by Joe Castillo from the US. Mega world and Casino
were organized as a part of Techkriti for the very first time, in
an attempt to couple the technical and entrepreneurial flavour with
a fun element.

Gautam R. Desiraju of
IISc Bangalores Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit
gave a lecture titled Chemistry - The Middle Kingdom,
on 25th February, 2010. Prof. Desirajus research interests
are in the areas of crystal engineering, the structural aspects
of the hydrogen bond and other intermolecular interactions. He is
the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Forshungspreis Award,
the TWAS award in Chemistry and is a fellow of all the Academies
of Science in India. Prof. Desiraju in his lecture first outlined
the position of chemistry and termed it as the Middle Kingdom
or the Central Science. In his view chemistry dealt
with both qualitative and quantitative features of science which
makes it an ideal bridge between diverse disciplines such as biology
and physics. Prof. Desiraju also illustrated the power of chemical
principles in the design of various organic solids.
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Published by: Office of the Dean, Resource
Planning & Generation, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur-208 016, India