Time and again we have received suggestions from alumni and friends
regarding restructuring the newsletter “Grapevine”.
Based on these inputs and from our own internal feedback, from this
issue of Grapevine onwards we have divided the news into the following
6 categories: Happenings at the Institute, Support from Alumni and
Friends, Achievements, Student initiatives, Institute initiatives
and Profiles. We have already been reporting the first three sections
under different headings. In the new categories, the student initiatives
section will report about research projects, community development
projects etc. carried out by students; the Institute initiatives
section will report about the initiatives taken by the Institute
for various causes; and the profiles section will cover information
not only about faculty, staff and students but also report on new
laboratories etc. We request you to give us your feedback and suggestions
for improving the newsletter further. |
at the Institute |
Convocation 2012
The 44th Convocation of the Institute
was held on 2nd June, 2012. The Chief Guest for the event was
Dr. E. Shreedharana, Padma Vibhushan, former Managing Director
of Delhi metro rail corporation (DMRC). Prof. M. Anandakrishnan,
the chairman of the board of governors, IIT-Kanpur was also present
at the ceremony. A record 1135 students graduated this year. The
Doctor of philosophy degree was awarded to 101 students, the BTech
degree was awarded to 340 students, the BTech/MTech dual degree
was awarded to 123 students, 320 students were awarded the MTech
degree, 26 students were awarded the MBA degree and 34 students
were awarded diploma in visionary leadership for manufacturing
The prestigious President's Gold
Medal, given to the student with the best academic
performance in the graduating class among all the under-graduate
programs of study, was given to three students this year: Shubhayu
Chatterjee (MSc-5year/Physics), Ankit Kumar (BTech/CSE), and Ashish
Gupta (BTech/CSE). The Director's
Gold Medal was awarded to Tej
Pratap (BTech/EE.) Overall, more than 100 students
received awards and medals during the convocation.

There is a nice tradition in IITK - the graduating
under-graduate students elect the best teacher, and that faculty
member is awarded the Gopal Das Bhandari
Distinguished Teacher Award.
This year, Dr. Swagato Kumar
Ray of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
was honoured with this award.

New Appointments

Prof. M. Anandakrishnan
has been re-appointed as Chairman of the Board of Governors. Prof
Anandakrishnan obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from the
University of Minnesota, USA. He was a faculty member in the Department
of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur from 1963 - 1974. During this
period he also served as the Head of Civil Engineering. His professional
interests are in civil engineering, environmental engineering,
remote sensing, information technologies, science and technology
policy analysis, development indicators; he is also interested
in the international transfer of technologies, small and medium
industries, management of academic institutions and children's
science education. Prof. Anandakrishnan received the Padma Shri
in 2002 from the President of India.

Prof. Avinash Singh
is the new head of the Department of Physics. He obtained his PhD
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. His research
interests are in correlated electrons and quantum magnetism, high-Tc
superconductivity, metal-insulator transition, diluted magnetic
semiconductors, metallic ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic alloys,
spin-charge-orbital ordering in manganites and magnetic excitations
in iron pnictides.

Prof. Munmun Jha
is the new head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Glasgow, USA. His research
interests are in human rights issues, NGOs, social movements, caste
and race. Homepage:

Prof. Anish Upadhyaya,
Department of Material Science and Engineering is the new head of
the Advanced Centre for Materials Science. He obtained his PhD from
Penn State University, USA. His research interests are in materials
processing, powder metallurgy, sintered particulate alloys and composites,
microwave processing.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~anish
Distinguished Lectures
Tel Distinguished Lecture in Chemical Engineering: Dr.
T. Ramasami, Secretary, DST, gave a lecture titled Combining Relevance
with Excellence: A Scientist's Delight on 17th February, 2012. In
his lecture Dr. T. Ramasami said that cultural dichotomies in the
pursuit of excellence and the process of solving real-life problems
of relevance through applications of science have remained generally
un-bridged. Scientists seek to discover. Society seeks solutions
to real-life challenges. Discovering solutions to real-life problems
based on first principles in science represents a win-win formula
for scientists as well as society. A travelogue of real-life experience
in solving real-life problems through first principle derived science
is planned. For instance, insight into the aqueous chemistry of
chromium has led to the design and development of product and process
innovations. Designs for environmental problems connected with chromium-
based industries and the tannery sector were outlined. The delightful
experiences of discovering solutions through applications of first
principle science which have led to the saving of employment and
the protection of the environment are to be shared. The emphasis
of the talk was on connecting national relevance with global excellence
for building inspirational leadership for Indian science.

About the Donor: The Petro-Tel Distinguished Lecture
series in Chemical Engineering at IIT Kanpur has been made possible
by an endowment from Dr. Anil K. Chopra (B. Tech/ChE/IITK/1976).
Dr. Chopra obtained his PhD from the University of Houston, USA
in 1982. Currently Dr. Chopra is the President, CEO and Chairman
of Petro Tel Inc., USA.
M. A. Pai Distinguished Lecture: Prof. Bhim Singh,
Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi gave a lecture titled
Power quality problems and their mitigation on 26th March, 2012.
Prof. Singh said that the electrical power distribution system suffers
from problems such as a reactive power burden, unbalanced loading
and harmonics. In his lecture he covered the major causes of such
power quality problems and their solution in terms of custom power
devices, power filters and improved power quality ac-dc converters
(IPQC) in the distribution system. The custom power devices are
classified into three categories: shunt connected compensators,
series connected compensators and a hybrid of these two types of
compensators. The power filters are classified as passive filters,
active filters and hybrid filters. The power quality problems associated
with conventional ac-dc converters can be resolved by replacing
existing converters by improved power quality ac-dc converters.
These converters are developed over the years and are available
according to rating and suitability to applications. A comprehensive
state-of-the-art on custom power devices, filters and IPQC configurations
is targeted to cover the aspects of their control approaches, design
considerations, selection criteria, potential applications, latest
trends, future developments and comparative features.

About the Donor:
Dr. M. A. Pai Distinguished Lecture Series in the Department
of Electrical Engineering at IIT Kanpur has been made possible by
an endowment from Professor Vijay Vittal (MT/EE/79), Harpole Professor,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University,
Ames, USA. Professor M. A. Pai was a faculty member at IITK in the
Department of Electrical Engineering from 1963 -1976. |
Institute Lectures
Mrinal K. Sen, Director, National Geophysical Research
Institute, Hyderabad, and Jackson Chair Professor
in Applied Seismology, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, gave
a lecture titled Subsurface Imaging: Challenges and Opportunities
on 9th April, 2012. In his lecture Dr. Sen said that earth science
problem statements are easy to understand but difficult to solve.
Citing the example of earthquakes he mentioned that earthquakes recorded
on a worldwide network of seismometers are our primary source of data.
Earthquakes typically occur at well-defined boundaries and seismometers
are placed at sparse locations. Thus, many parts of the earth are
devoid of ray paths. To address this issue, new passive experiments
are being set up with large arrays of seismometers placed on the earth
in a roll-along mode. Similar principles are being used in active
seismic experiments for the detailed imaging of hydrocarbon reservoirs,
the mapping of fluid flows for hydrocarbon production, the monitoring
of subsurface CO2 movements and for earthquake hazard assessment.
These problems can be best addressed by a multi-disciplinary approach.
and Conferences
Workshop on Wide Area Monitoring and Control of Power Systems using
Synchrophasor Technology was held from 13th –
14th April, 2012. Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande inaugurated the workshop.
Prof. N. Murgesan, Director General, Central Power Research Institute
(CPRI), Bangalore, was the chief guest. The workshop coordinators,
Prof. Saikat Chakrabarti and Prof. S. C. Srivastava, Department of
Electrical Engineering, said that the secure and reliable operation
of modern power systems has become an increasingly challenging task
due to the increasing demand of electricity. Wide area monitoring
and control (WAMC) systems deploy phasor measurement units (PMUs)
at selected locations in the transmission network. PMUs provide GPS
synchronized time stamped voltage and current phasor measurements
at a sub-second rate. The time-synchronized measurement system facilitates
the use of several online systems to control the stability and security
of power systems. The WAMC systems have already been installed in
the electricity grids of several countries. There are plans to install
the systems in the Indian regional power grid networks. The main objective
of the workshop was to identify specific problems which need immediate
focus to handle the challenges of wide area monitoring and control
Academicians, officers/engineers from public energy/power utilities,
corporate entities in the energy/power sector including equipment
manufacturers and consultants, R&D organizations and regulatory
commissions took part in the workshop.
Experts delivered lectures on specific issues and technological aspects
of the wide area monitoring and control (WAMC) system, its architecture,
various monitoring and real time control applications, experience
and road map of deployment in the Indian grid and the testing requirements.
The workshop was supplemented by a lab demonstration of the WAMC technology
using a real time digital simulator (RTDS) platform and a panel discussion.
For details visit:
http://www.iitk.ac.in/wams2012/index.html |

Prof. Nadikerianda Belliappa Meena
passed away on 3rd June, 2012. She was born on 5th February 1936
in Ammathi in Kodagu district of Karnataka. Prof. Belliappa obtained
her PhD from Mysore University in 1969. Prof. Belliappa joined IIT
Kanpur in 1986 and retired from service in 1996.
The Institute expresses its deepest condolences
to the bereaved family of Prof. Belliappa and prays for the peace
of the departed soul. |
from Alumni and Friends |

Ministry of Steel Scholarship: The Ministry of
Steel has instituted 5 merit-cum-means scholarships. These scholarships
are for academically bright students who agree to provide an undertaking
to pursue their career in ferrous metallurgy.

Prof. Girdhar Gopal
Shukla Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Ashish Shukla (MSc
5yrs/MTH/1997) has instituted a merit-cum-means scholarship for
an Undergraduate / Postgraduate student in the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics in memory of his father Prof. Girdhar Gopal Shukla
who was a Reader in VSSD Law College, Kanpur. Mr. Ashish Shukla
is currently working at Cadence Design System, San Jose, USA.

Smt. Neela Dutt Scholarship: Mr. Saibal Dutt (BT/EE/1977)
has instituted a scholarship in the name of his mother Smt. Neela
Dutt. The scholarship will be given to a student (preferably a girl
student) in the Department of Electrical Engineering for academic
Steel Scholarship:
Prof. B. Deo, Department of Material Science and Engineering has
instituted two merit scholarships. The scholarships are for fourth
year UG students doing a B.T.P in the area of iron and steel. In
case no UG students are doing a B.T.P in iron and steel, then PG
students doing thesis work in this area will be considered during
the second year of their program.

Mr. Kaushal Dhar (MT/EE/75) has
contributed US$ 500 through the IIT Kanpur Foundation as aid
to the next of kin of Shri Rohit. Shri Rohit, aged 22 years,
was an unskilled worker working at the construction site of
the Single Bedroom Apartments (SBRA) as a helper to the mason.
Shri Rohit met with an accident at the construction site and
died in hospital on 18th May 2011. Shri Rohit, son of Shri Lal,
was a resident of Bhaunti Village, Kanpur. |
Research Fellowships to
young faculty

Dr. Satyajit Banerjee, Department of Physics,
was selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in superconductivity and magneto-optics.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~satyajit/home.htm

Saikat Chakrabarti, Department of Electrical Engineering,
was selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in power system dynamics and stability,
state estimation, use of synchronised measurement technology in
power systems and power system reliability.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~saikatc/

Dr. Sudipta Dutta, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, was selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in functional analysis.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~sudipta/
Aditya K. Jagannatham, Department of Electrical
Engineering, was selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in wireless systems and networks,
MIMO, LTE/OFDM, UMTS/CDMA, wireless sensor and ad hoc networks,
digital and statistical signal processing for wireless PHY layer,
wireless channel estimation, equalization and precoding, digital
image/video coding and processing, H.264 and scalable video coding.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~adityaj/

Dr. J. Ram
Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, was
selected for the Class of 1984 Young Faculty Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in micro/nano-fabrication and finishing,
nano composites and tribology.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~jrkumar/
Kallol Mondal, Department of Material Science and
Engineering, was selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in non-equilibrium processing,
thermodynamics of glass formation and kinetic analysis for the devitrification
of glass, deformation behavior of bulk metallic glass, corrosion
and oxidation behavior of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys,
bulk metallic glass coating, tribology of bulk metallic glass and
nanocrystalline alloys.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kallol/

Dr. Nishanth Nair, Department of Chemistry, was
selected for the P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in chemical reactions in condensed matter
systems by ab initio molecular dynamics simulation techniques.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~nnair/

Dr. Pratik Sen, Department of Chemistry, has been
selected for the Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Medal
for the year 2012 for his contributions to ultra-fast excited state
processes in molecules.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~psen/

Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, has received the INAE Silver Jubilee Young
Engineer Award. Homepage:

SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Centre (SIIC),
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur has been selected
for the National Award for Technology Business Incubators for the
year 2011.Homepage:
Domestic Solid Waste Management at
IIT Kanpur: Early morning when all of us are busy
preparing for the day's activity, a section of people with green masks
on their faces are out there on the streets. Going door to door, collecting
our domestic waste and dumping it into large bins placed at different
locations in the campus. At this stage the A to Z organization, a
leading provider of waste management services in Kanpur, steps in.
It carries away the waste to its recycling plant and recycles it into
useful manure. This entire process is a part of an elaborate waste
management strategy adopted by the Institute. While the domestic waste
is recycled outside the campus, green waste mainly comprising fallen
leaves, takes two routes.
A large fraction of the green waste is handled through composting,
a natural and cost-effective way of recycling organic matter. The
process is indeed very simple and can be carried out on a wide range
of scales in almost any indoor or outdoor environment. In the Institute,
it is primarily done outdoors owing to availability of large open
spaces. The dead leaves are dumped into deep rectangular pits created
in the open and are loosely covered with soil. The filled pits are
sprinkled with water and left for few months. During this time,
the natural decay process breaks down the organic matter into rich
humus like material. The final product is sieved and used as compost
for gardens and flower beds.
Another method used for green waste treatment, though on a small
scale, is vermicomposting. It is a simple biotechnological process
where various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms
and earthworms are used for decomposing green waste.
In the campus, the entire process is carried out within the confines
of a Vermicompost Plant in the nursery. The unit has two storage
pits on the left, six bins on the right and two large pits in the
centre. Vermicomposting is a multi-step and closely monitored process.
The stacked leaves are dumped into a bin and left for drying. After
a week, the dried heap is shifted to the adjacent bin and sprinkled
with water. Water helps in reducing the volume of leaves. The following
week, the heap is shifted to the third bin where a small amount
of cowdung is added to it. This stage lasts for about two weeks.
By the time the process enters its fifth week, the texture of the
leaves has changed considerably. Now is the time for worm activity.
The two large pits in the centre of the vermicompost unit are used
for worm action. Each pit can accommodate four vermibeds at a time.
A banana leaf serves as the base of the vermibed. A layer of 3-4
inches of the organic mixture is spread out on the leaf and earthworms
are added over it. Earthworms are also known as composting worms
as they are very efficient processors of organic material. The whole
process is repeated till a pile of 1-1.5ft is created. The pile
is topped with cowdung and left undisturbed for a month depending
on the weather conditions. During this time, the earthworms digest
the organic material and turn it into vermi-compost. The finished
product is dark and crumbly with an earthy odor. After sieving,
it is used as manure for surrounding areas. This manure has been
tested for its high nitrogen content in the Institute's laboratory.
By using the most eco-friendly alternatives to leaf burning the
Institute has gained the status of a 'Zero Burn campus'.
The entire process of waste management
can be viewed in the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1U9o7avdeU |
project on bipedal robot by
Aditya Prasad ( BTech/MSE), Ashutosh
Sharma (BTech/MSE), Vikalp Verma (BTech/ChE) and Akshansh Singh
(M.Sc/ PHY)
aim of this project was to build a manually controlled simplified
version of a bipedal robot. The term
“biped” means “two feet”.
As the name specifies, a bipedal robot is designed to imitate the
motion of a human being, i.e., it can walk on two legs without any
external support for balancing.
The bipedal robot that these students have made has two degrees
of freedom per leg as compared to three degrees of freedom per leg
in an actual bipedal robot. Due to this the motion of the bot is
limited in the vertical direction, i.e., it cannot bend on its knees,
but the bot can still perform the basic actions of movement and
Bipedal - An
Overview: As compared to the usual wheel based robots,
the bipedal bot is designed to imitate the complex walking mechanism
of a human being. Balancing is the main aspect of producing a “stand-and-walk-on-two-legs”
phenomenon. With proper balancing, a bipedal becomes much more versatile
as compared to the usual wheel based bot because of the fact that
the base level of a bipedal is not fixed, thereby enabling the bot
to raise itself on a higher terrain just by a simple motion of the
knee joint. On the negative side, a bipedal bot loses the speed
advantage as compared to a usual bot due to the lack of wheels.
Although a bipedal bot that can run is a possibility for higher
speeds, the balancing of such bots is much more difficult and usually
requires complex programming involving gyroscopes, accelerometers,
For the sake of simplicity, the students had restricted the degrees
of freedom of their bipedal bot to two (per leg). Their bipedal
had the hip joint and the ankle joint but lacked the knee joint.
This setup allowed the bot to perform the following set of motions
for each leg:
1.Rotation about the hip joint with an axis passing vertically
along the body of the bot.
2.Rotation about the ankle joint with an axis perpendicular to the
length of the bot and going into the plane of the bot.
This kind of setup allowed the bot to move through a “lean-and-turn”
mechanism, i.e., the bot leaned on one leg through the ankle joint
and then rotated the other half of the body in a forward direction.
This sequence is one half of a step which is symmetrically repeated
by the other leg to complete one step of forward motion of the bot.

Watch it in action:
project on Magbot – climbing up the wall by
Ayush Varshney (BTech/EE), Raghav Gupta (BTech/EE)
and Govind Saria(BTech/EE)
- climbing up the wall is essentially a mechanical
project. This robot is so designed that it can climb up any wall
made of a magnetic material. Based on a zigzag pattern of magnets
placed on Nylon wheels the bot would move as freely on vertical
surfaces as on the ground. This bot consists of two independently
driven nylon wheels with magnets attached to them and mounted with
the help of two Aluminium couplers driven with the help of two high
torque motors, with a tail as the third support.
The students were fascinated by the way a lizard crawls up the
walls and is able to maneuver all around the room. They tried to
imitate the same and came up with this Magbot
– A Magnetic Wall Climber. This robot is an
example of Biomorphic Robotics in which they try to imitate a natural
creature with all its features and specializations. Their bot is
designed to climb up any Magnetic Wall and take all possible turns
in all directions.
The most integral part of the design are the two Nylon based wheels
consisting of a zigzag pattern of magnets placed on their rim. The
magnets are placed in such a way that as one magnet loses contact
with the wall the next comes in to take its place. The magnets (made
from Neodymium) are very strong, two of these at a time can support
the entire weight of the bot. A metallic shell has been used to
keep the magnets in place and to allow the wheels to roll smoothly
on the walls.
The wheels are driven by two High-torque motors, which are needed
to pull the magnets out from the wall. Another very innovative feature
of the design is the flexible magnetic tail. The tail is designed
specifically for allowing the bot to take any possible turn-specifically
the 90 degree turns, and also supports it while it is climbing up.
It has been made using hinges and magnetized castor wheels.
The students hope to improve this design to implement vertical
line following or image processing in the bot.

Watch it in action:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cy0STnPgjY |
by: Office of the Dean, Resource Planning & Generation, Indian Institute
of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208 016, India
Phone: + 91-512-259 7635/ 7542 Fax: +91-512- 259 0353 Email
drpg@iitk.ac.in, arrpg@iitk.ac.in