IIT Kanpur held its 45
th annual convocation on 5 th July 2013 with the Honorable President
Pranab Mukerjee as the chief guest of the program. During the
convocation ceremony, the President also conferred the honoris
causa degree of Doctorate of Science on Mr. NR Narayana Murthy,
executive chairman of Infosys Limited and Professor Ashoke Sen,
Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad. This was the first
time that two alumni of IIT-Kanpur were being awarded the DSc.
Many students were also awarded various medals and prizes for
their meritorious performances. This year the President's Gold
Medal and the Director's Gold Medal were awarded to Shubham Tulsiani
(BTech/CSE) ,the Ratan Swarup Memorial Prize was awarded to Pranjal
Saxena (BTech/CHE) and the Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Medal was
awarded to Karthick K.N. (BTech/Aero). A record 1327 students
graduated this year. The Doctor of Philosophy degree was awarded
to 132 students, the BTech degree was awarded to 359 students,
the BTech/MTech dual degree was awarded to 138 students, the MTech
degree was was awarded to 411 students, the MBA degree was awarded
to 48 students and the diploma in visionary leadership for manufacturing
programme was awarded to 33 students. The Gopal Das Bhandari Memorial
Distinguished Teacher's Award was awarded to Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
of the Electrical Engineering Department. Prof Jagannatham received
his BTech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California,
San Diego, U.S.A. His research interest is in the area of multimedia
wireless communications.

Faculty Members
Sandeep Anand has joined the Department of Electrical Engineering.
He obtained his PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~asandeep/

Dr Manabendra Chandra has
joined the Department of Chemistry. He obtained his PhD from the
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/chm/CHM/faculty.htm

Dr. Subhra Sankar Dhar
has joined the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. He obtained
his PhD from the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. Homepage:

Dr. T.G. Gopakumar has
joined the Department of Chemistry. He obtained his PhD from the
TU Chemnitz, Germany. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/chm/CHM/faculty.htm

Dr. Sabuj Kumar Kundu has
joined the Department of Chemistry. He obtained his PhD from Rutgers
University,USA. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/chm/CHM/faculty.htm

Ashis Mandal has joined
the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. . He obtained his
PhD from the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.

Dr. Saravanan Matheswaran
has joined the Department of BSBE. He obtained his PhD from the
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/bsbe/saravanan.html

Dr. Dasari LVK Prasad has
joined the Department of Chemistry. He obtained his PhD from the
University of Hyderabad. Homepage:

Dr. Mohammad Arshad Rahman
has joined the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences. He
obtained his PhD from the University of California, Irvine, USA.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~marshad/

Anand Singh has joined the Department of Chemistry.
He obtained his PhD from the Vanderbilt University,USA. Homepage:
RS Pandey Distinguished Lecture in Mechanical
Engineering: Dr RK Malhotra, Director, Indian Oil Corporation
(R&D), gave a lecture titled Emerging Alternative and Renewable
Energy Technologies for Transportation on 29 August 2013. In his
lecture Dr. Malhotra said that fluctuating crude oil prices, deteriorating
environment and ever increasing consumption of petroleum products
have prompted the leading economies to examine other, commercially
viable and environmentally friendly alternative sources of energy.
India with its gasoline and diesel fuel consumption approaching
85 MMTPA, is exploring the co-existence of multiple alternative
and renewable energy technologies which are not only eco-friendly
but are also cost effective. The global transportation fuel forecasts
envisage the dominance of liquid fuels for the transportation
sector till 2030. The share of gas is likely to increase in the
transport mix with alternative fuels / energy sources meeting
about 12-15% of the total mobility demand. He also discussed the
co-processing of vegetable oils, conversion of process waste heat
to green fuels and biomass gasification. The status of current
R&D activities in the area of hydrogen energy were also addressed
during the presentation.
About the speaker:
Dr. Malhotra is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from IT, BHU
and received his Ph.D. (Energy Studies) from IIT,Delhi. He is
a full time Director on the Board of the Indian Oil Corporation
as Director (R&D). He is also a Board Member of Lubrizol India,
a JV Company of Indian Oil and Lubrizol USA. He has more than
35 years of research experience in the downstream petroleum sector
and is currently leading research at the R&D Centre of the Indian
Oil Corporation in areas such as refining technologies, lubricant
technologies, alternative energy, bio-technology, nanotechnology
and gasification. He is Chairman of Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) Committee (PCD : 3) responsible for formulating specifications
of petroleum products in India. He is on the Advisory Board of
the International Centre for Automotive Technology (l-CAT) under
the Ministry of Heavy Industries. He has published more than 140
research papers and holds 35 patents. He is the Founder President
of the Hydrogen Association of India, the President of the Indian
Chapter of the International Council of Combustion Engines (CIMAC),
the President of the Tribology Society of India, the Vice President
of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) India and the President
of the Indian Chapter of National Lubricating Grease Institute
About the Donor:
Dr. R. S. Pandey Distinguished Lecture Series
is supported by Mr. Rakesh Pandey (BT/ME/1978). Under this lecture
series, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur organizes
one lecture in each semester by a distinguished person. Mr. Pandey
was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the IITK Foundation till
recently. In 2008, he was elected President of the IITK Alumni
Association. He is a Distinguished Research Scientist at Olin
College of Engineering, an Executive-in-Residence at Northeastern
University and a Mentor at Legatum Center, MIT, USA. His recent
work has focused on a) poverty alleviation through livelihood
improvement aided by technical innovations, and b) conducting
workshops for poor people towards empowering them through collective
problem-solving methods. He launched and ran Bose's subsidiary
in India(1995), started the Bose Technology Center in India (2003)
and created the Center for University and Industry Research.
Chair Professor
Professor Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, was selected for the Poonam and Prabhu
Goel Chair. His research interests are in IC engines, alternate
fuels, vehicular pollution, laser diagonistic techniques , micro-
sensor development and lubricating oil tribology. Homepage:
Professor A K Sharma, Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences, was selected for the P K Kelkar Chair. His
research interests are in social demography and social statistics,
neo-social movements, social development, social aspects of science,
Gandhian theory, representations of health and illness and the
sociology of HIV/AIDS. Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~arunk/
Professor S N Singh, Department of Electrical
Engineering, was selected for the Sri J N Gupta and Smt M D Gupta
Chair. His research interests are in power system restructuring,
FACTS technology, optimal power dispatch and security analysis,
power system dynamics, operation and control,distribution system
planning and demand side management,application of genetic algorithms
and artificial neural networks in power systems Homepage:
Professor Rajiv Sinha, Department of Civil
Engineering, was selected for the Pandit Girish Ranjan and Sushma
Rani Pathak Chair.His research interests are in fluvial geomorphology
and sedimentology, lacustrine sedimentology, remote sensing applications
and climate change. Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~rsinha/
Professor Vinod Tare, Department of Civil Engineering, was selected
for the Sir M Visvesvaraya Chair. His research interests are in
water and waste water treatment, modelling and simulation of environmental
Professor Y D Vankar, Department of Chemistry,
was selected for the Mr. and Mrs. Gian Singh Bindra Chair. His
research interests are in synthetic carbohydrate chemistry of
biological relevance (glycosidase inhibitors,functionalisation
of carbohydrates leading to glycosyl and sugar amino acids, amino
sugars and o- and c-glycosides and the development of newer synthetic
methods. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/chm/CHM/facultyorg.htm
Fellowships to young faculty
Dr Adrish Banerjee, Department of Electrical
Engineering, was selected for the P K Kelkar Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in cognitive radio, error control coding,
wireless communications and optical communications. Homepage:
Dr Kantesh Balani, Department of Materials
Science and Engineering,was selected for the P K Kelkar Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in bone implant materials,
molecular modeling of interfaces, nano- composites and the multi
length scale abridgement.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kbalani/
Dr Samit Ray Chaudhuri, Department of Civil
Engineering, was selected for the P K Kelkar Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in structural dynamics and earthquake
engineering. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/~samitrc/
Dr Priyanka Ghosh, Department of Civil Engineering, was selected
for the Class of 1982 Research Fellowship. His research interests
are in bearing capacity of foundations, numerical analysis, retaining
walls and earth pressure theory. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/ce/CIVIL/faculty/pghosh/pghosh.htm
Dr Yogesh M.Joshi, Department of Chemical Engineering, was selected
for the P K Kelkar Research Fellowship. His research interests
are in structure and dynamics of colloidal glasses and gels, soft
matter and rheology of complex fluids. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/che/yj.htm
Dr Amey Karkare, Department of Computer Science And Engineering,
was selected for the P K Kelkar Research Fellowship. His Areas
of research interest are in compilers,data flow analysis and heap
Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/user/karkare/
Dr Vimal Kumar, Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences, was selected for the Class of 1982 Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in economics of conflict,
microeconomic theory, political economics, economic growth and
technological development and game theory. Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/~vk
Dr. Deepu Philip, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering,
was selected for the Class of 1970 Research Fellowship. His research
interests are in decision support systems, robust planning &
scheduling with local searches, systems simulation, smart systems,
AI based searches, experimental design, entrepreneurial decisions
and ITS.
Dr. Kumar Ravi Priya, Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences was selected for the Class of 1970 Research
Fellowship. His research interests are in health psychology, cultural
psychology, alternative paradigms of psychology and research methods.
Jayant K Singh, Department of Chemical Engineering, was selected
for the Class of 1970 Research Fellowship. His research interests
are in thermodynamics, selective adsorption and separation, energy
storage materials, wetting transition, self assembly and crystallization
at nanoscale.
Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/che/jks.htm
Dr Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava, Department
of Electrical Engineering, was selected for the Class of 1979
Research Fellowship. His research interests are in meta-materials,
microwave antennas, dielectric resonator and its applications,
microwave filters, finite-difference time-domain (fd-td) technique,
wireless power transfer and electromagnetics.
Dr Nischal K Verma, Department of Electrical Engineering , was
selected for the Devendra Shukla Faculty Fellowship. His research
interests are in machine learning, biometrics, GMM, HMM, fuzzy
systems, clustering algorithms, coloe segmentaion and video image
sequence recognition.
Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~nishchal/
Dr Pankaj Wahi, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, was selected for the P K Kelkar Research Fellowship.
His research interests are in non linear dynamics and vibrations.
Amit Kumar Agarwal, Department of Physics, has been awarded the
NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award for the year 2013.
Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/phy/New01/profile_AmitAg.html
Professor Binay Kumar Pattnaik, Department
of Humanities & Social Sciences, has been appointed as the
Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC),
Bangalore. Homepage: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~binay/
Professor Gautam Biswas, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
has been appointed as the Director of IIT Guwahati. Homepage:
Professor Sanjeev K Aggarwal, Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, has been appointed as the
Director, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus. Homepage: http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/ska/
Professor Shantanu Bhattacharya, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the Young Scientist
Award 2013 of the Institute on Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS).
Homepage: http://www.iitk.ac.in/me/faculty/shantanu.html