Kanpur Foundation Day: IIT Kanpur came into existence
in November, 1959 and it has now completed 50 years. To celebrate
this landmark occasion, a Foundation Day function was organized
on 27th November, 2009. The chief guest for the event was Prof.
Yashpal, National Mahatma Gandhi Fellow and a former chairman of
UGC, Prof. M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT
Kanpur presided over the function. The theme of the event was IIT
Kanpur's contribution to the Society. Addressing the gathering
on the occasion, Prof. Yashpal said that by increasing the number
of Ph.D. courses IITK can help to overcome the shortage of teachers
in technological institutes of the country. Prof. M. Anandakrishnan,
Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande and Prof. Sanjeev Aggarwal also spoke on
the occasion. The morning program was followed by a concert by Pandit
Hari Prasad Chaurasia in the evening.

Inauguration of Faculty Lounge:
The Faculty Lounge was inaugurated by Prof.
M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman, Board of Governors, Indian Institute
of Technology Kanpur and Mr. Jeet S. Bindra (BT/CHE/69), President,
Chevron Global Manufacturing, USA on 30th May, 2009.
The batch of 1968 supported the construction of the faculty lounge.

of New Core Laboratory:
A New Core
Laboratory Building for the undergraduate laboratory experiments
was inaugurated on 29th May, 2009 by Prof. M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman,
BOG. This facility will house undergraduate laboratories in Chemistry,
Physics, Mathematics, Computing, CAD and Humanities. The total area
of this building is about 10,208.5 sqm. The building has three floors,
the first floor has Chemistry and some Physics laboratories, the
second floor has Physics laboratories and the third floor has Mathematics,
Computing, CAD and Humanities laboratories.

The PanIIT 2009 Global Conference was held at Chicago, USA from
9th -11th October, 2009. This meeting brought together a diverse
group of leaders from industry, academia and government, including
alumni of all IITs. President Bill Clinton was one of the many eminent
speakers. Panelists at the conference spoke about the challenges
and the opportunities in critical areas of education, energy and
climate change, public health and digital infrastructure. The agenda
included numerous informative workshops and panel discussions on
current topics, and extensive networking opportunities to meet with
technologists, investors, academicians and entrepreneurs. The IIT
Kanpur delegation consisting of Prof. Sanjay G. Dhande (Director),
Prof. Sanjeev K. Aggarwal (Dean, RPG), Prof. Manindra Agrawal (Chairman,
Golden Jubilee Committee), Prof. Kripa Shankar (Secretary Alumni
Association) and Mr. Mohammad Shakeel (AR, DRPG) took part in the
PanIIT 2009 Global Conference. About 250 IIT Kanpur alumni from
across the world attended the meet.

Chair Professorships
P. Chhabra
C. Srivastava
Research Fellowships for Young Faculty
Bikramjit Basu,
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering has been
selected for the P. K. Kelkar Research Fellowship. http://home.iitk.ac.in/~bikram
Animangsu Ghatak,
Department of Chemical Engineering has been selected for the
Mr. and Mrs. Gian Singh Bindra Research Fellowship. http://www.iitk.ac.in/che/ag.htm
S. N. Tripathi,
Department of Civil Engineering has been selected for the Sir
M. Visvesvaraya Research Fellowship. http://home.iitk.ac.in/~snt/
Anish Upadhyay,
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering has been
selected for the Batch of 1982 Research Fellowship. http://home.iitk.ac.in/~anish
M. Joshi
S. Katti
P. Rath
N. Tripathi
Dr. Pradeep Srivastava, Senior
Scientist in the Medicinal and Process Chemistry Division at the
Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, gave a lecture titled
"Scientoons: Enjoy Science with fun" on 19th September,
2009. Dr. Srivastava developed the field of Scientoonics while delivering
a lecture in 1988 at an Asian conference at NUS, Singapore. He was
awarded the International Young Person of the Year Award by the
Junior Chambers Association (USA). Scientoonics is a new branch
of science which deals with effective science communication using
a novel class of science cartoons called Scientoons. Scienctoon
not only make you smile and laugh but also provide information about
new research, new subjects and concepts in a simple, understandable
and interesting way.
President of Indian Science Writers' Association (ISWA) and Editor
of the Indian Journal of Science Communication gave a lecture titled
"Science Communication in India" on 19th September, 2009.
Dr. Patairiya's talk covered many issues such as what is science
communication, what is its present state in India, what measures
have been taken to make the common people realize the significance
of science, and to build a scientific temper among them, what are
the challenges in this area and what is the future vision of science
communication and journalism in India. Dr. Patairiya received the
prestigious B. C. Deb Memorial National Award for popularisation
of science by the Indian Science Congress Association in 2000.
Dr. Jerome Lave,
CNRS Research Scientist at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques
et Géochimiques (CRPG), at Nancy (France), gave a lecture
titled, "Life and death of mountain ranges" on 26th
October, 2009. In his talk Dr. Lave explained how mountain ranges
grow and decay, how long theirtopography lasts, what sets the
elevation of the high peaks of the Himalayas and of the other
mountains on Earth, how large orogenic plateaus like the Tibetan
plateau form, and why some other ranges are much narrower. Dr.
Lavé is an active researcher in erosion and active tectonics
in France. He got his PhD in geophysics in 1997 from the Institut
de Physique du Globe in Paris. In 2007 he joined as CNRS Research
Scientist at the Centrede Recherches Pétrographiques et
Géochimiques (CRPG), Nancy. Over the last decade, Dr Lavé
has led several projects on experimental erosion, Himalayan erosion
and paleoseismology, Zagros tectonics and paleoaltimetry development.
Prof. Jayant Murthy,
professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Indian Institute
of Astrophysics, Bangalore gave a lecture titled, "Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (SETI) on 31st October,
2009. He obtained his PhD from the Johns Hopkins University
in 1987. His research interests include space missions and interstellar
dust. In this talk, Prof. Murthy addressed the science behind
SETI. He mentioned that considerable progress has been made
over the last 20 years as we have gone from no extra solar planets
to more than 300 discovered. He also added that they were exploring
ever greater volumes of space for alien radio signals. Yet no
extraterrestrial life has been found, let alone extraterrestrial
intelligence. Where is everyone? Are we the only intelligent
beings in the universe? Have other civilizations killed themselves
through nuclear war or perhaps climate change?
Distinguished Lecture
Jagadishwar Mahanty Distinguished Lecture Series in Physics:
Rajaram Nityananda, former Director, National Centre of Radio Astrophysics,
Pune gave a lecture under "Prof.Jagadishwar Mahanty Distinguished
Lecture Series in Physics" titled "Galaxies: Today, Yesterday,
and the Day Before" on 30th October, 2009. In this talk Prof.
Nityananda gave an introduction to galaxies, their structure, evolution
and origin. He gave an historical account of the major developments
in this field, including the first identification of a galaxy beyond
the Milky Way, the measure of galactic distances, the Hubble law,
the evidence for dark matter in galaxies and the current attempts
to study the early stages of the galaxy formation. Prof. Rajaram
Nityananda is an eminent, internationally renowned theoretical physicist.
He has a wide range of research interests including astrophysics,
cosmology, optics, condensed matter physics and crystallography.
Prof. Nityananda is a fellow of the Indian National Science Academy,
the National Academy of Sciences and the Indian Academy of Sciences.
Workshops and conferences
Indo-German Conference on Partial Differential Equations (PDE),
Scientific Computing and Optimization in Applications
was held from 7th - 9th October, 2009. This conference covered
a wide range of physical phenomena which are modeled mathematically
by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The nature of the
governing PDEs or their boundary conditions are, in most cases,
quite complicated (e.g., nonlinear, ill-posed
), and are
impossible to solve analytically. Scientific Computing is a
solution to this problem. Due to the advancement in computer
technology and the availability of highly efficient & stable
numerical algorithms, some of the most complicated PDEs (like
Navier-Stokes equations) on complicated geometries can be solved
in 'real time' today. This challenging subject has thus become
quite interesting and is highly applicable in a wide range of
problemsin science (general as well as medical) and engineering.
Since the real application always involves the optimization
of some quantities, studying PDEs together with optimization
is one of the most recent trend in research.
Workshop on System of Systems Engineering
was held from 26th - 28th October, 2009. System of Systems Engineering
is an interdisciplinary area that brings various fields from aerospace
to robotics and power systems to management closer to each other.
With the advancement of technology, very large scale systems involving
multiple disciplines such as sensor networks, collaborative robotics,
power-grid, city traffic and airport operation need to be tackled.
The language of system of system provides an opportunity to become
conversant with the several research areas which may be involved
in these operations. This Indo-US workshop was the result of a collaboration
between IIT Kanpur and the University of Texas, San Antonio, and
experts from both countries participated in it.

Recruit fresh graduates from IIT Kanpur: The placement season for the year 2009 –10
has started at IIT Kanpur. We invite our alumni and their
colleagues to recruit fresh graduates from IIT Kanpur. We
assure you that all necessary support will be provided by
us for conducting the process smoothly.
Do please visit us at http://www.iitk.ac.in/spo
or write to spo@iitk.ac.in
so that we can get in touch with you.
The 45th Inter-IIT Aquatics Meet was hosted by IIT Kanpur from 1st
– 5th October, 2009. The IIT Kanpur Aquatics team won
the Water Polo Championship and the Men's Swimming Championship.
It also won Gold Medals in both Free Style relay and Medley relay.
Overall IIT Kanpur bagged 4 Gold Medals, 3 Silver Medals, and 7
Bronze Medals.

(the fire within)
the cultural
festival of IIT Kanpur, was held from 22nd – 25th
October, 2009. The theme this year was “I am the change”. Students
from over 150 colleges across India participated in this event.
The festival encompassed a whole range of events from competitions
and workshops to talks and professional shows. There were several
events which focused on the issue of building social responsibility
amongst youth. Two Fusion Bands, Advaita and Sitar Funk performed
on the Opening Night. The highlight of Synchronicity was the Irish
rock sensation Jaded Sun, who have been heralded as "the new
messiahs of rock n' roll". The event India Haat presented a
dizzying, creative burst of cultures and religions, races and tongues.
"India Inspired: A Dream for the Nation" saw more than
400 students join the panel discussion with Raj Kamal Jha (the Allahabad
editor of Times of India), Sujatha Ramdorai (Professor of mathematics
at TIFR), Vinit Joshi (CBSE chairman) and Amrita Das (career counselor).
The theme ‘the road not taken' explored why Indian youth sticks
to only a few conventional career paths. Despite the large youth
population, India excels only in a few fields and lags behind in
many others. This is not due to the lack of talented youth but because
the students in our country today are apprehensive of following
an unconventional career line that is actually harmonious with their
likes and interests. Moreover, parental and peer pressure also pushes
them into conventional paths. The festival ended with Blitzkrieg
(the professional night) with a live performance by Faridkot, the
upcoming band, and KK (Krishnakumar Kunnath), the renowned singer.

R. Balasubramaniam (fondly known as 'Bala') died
of cancer on 9th December, 2009. After doing his BTech from Benaras
Hindu University, Varanasi and PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, USA, Prof. Balasubramaniam joined IIT Kanpur in 1990. His
research interests included Material-Hydrogen Systems, Environmental
Degradation of Materials, Structure-Property Correlation in Advanced
Materials and Indian Archaeometallurgy. Prof. Balasubramaniam published
more than 250 research papers and 10 books. Two of his recent books,
which dealt with Indian Archaeometallurgy, are "The Saga of
Indian Cannons" and 'Story of Delhi Iron Pillar". His
research on the corrosion resistance of Delhi's iron pillar attracted
worldwide attention. Prof. Balasubramaniam won several awards for
his work, the most recent being the B. B. Lal Chair Professorship
at IITK. Prof. Balasubramaniam is survived by his wife Gaitri and
two daughters Gowri and Gargi. The Institute expresses its deepest
condolences to the bereaved family of Prof. Balasubramaniam and
prays for the peace of the departed soul.
+ 91-512-259 7635/ 7542 Fax: +91-512- 259 0353 Email drpg@iitk.ac.in,
Published by: Office of the Dean, Resource Planning & Generation,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208 016, India