Anechoic Acoustic Chamber


The term anechoic implies non - echoing or echo-free. An anechoic chamber is a room designed to absorb all sound reflections. Such chambers are used to characterize noise sources, sound absorbing materials, sound sensors and also conduct a variety of acoustical experiments requiring free field conditions.


The anechoic chamber at llTK has a cut-off frequency of 200 Hz, and its noise rejection ratio (with respect to its outside) exceeds 65 dB. The chamber has a usable volume of 5 m X 5 m X 3 m. llTK is one of the very few academic institutions in the country to have such a chamber. This chamber has been designed at IITK, and a supplier from within the country was used to fabricate it, resulting in significant cost savings.


3rd floor,
Helicopter Building


Prof. Nachiketa Tiwari
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