FTIR based Emission MeasurementSystem for Air Pollutant Measurement


FTIR Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer MEXA-6000FT, an engine exhaust analyzer machine is capable of measuring 36 different regulated and unregulated engine emissions. Horiba MEXA-6000FT-E is an instrument for continuously measuring the concentration of the components included in engine emissions. A combination of the Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and multivariate analysis enables the simultaneous concentration analysis of multiple components. This system can be used for different fuels as diesel, gasoline, Biodiesel, CNG, LPG and other alternative fuels.


Engine Research Lab, Central Workshop Complex
IIT Kanpur


Prof. A. K. Agarwal
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User Charges

INR 2000 per sample
(Service tax is applicable for outside IITK users)