Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Department of Management Sciences

Post Graduate Program for Executives for Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing
Online Application form for PGPEX-VLM Admissions (2025-26) is now open! Click Here.
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The program’s learning methods are an assortment of regular class discussions, case studies, group work, live presentations and action-learning opportunities like management games and short consultancy assignments. A significant proportion of the program is undertaken in teams to further enhance the dynamic learning experience.

The program unfolds in 8 terms through more than 1030 classroom contact hours, spread across 3 campuses during the 12 month period. It starts with an “Ice breaking session and Breakthrough Management” in IIM-Calcutta with a thrust on the "Big Picture" perspective. The primary focus lies on how to build a strategy based on core competencies and then to integrate an organization to execute this strategy and achieve the desired outcome.

The next two terms impart management knowledge in diverse areas ranging from Business Strategy, Marketing, Finance, Operations, People Management and Global Business scenario. Various modules on Supply Chain Management, Customer-centric approach, Lean methodologies, New Product Design & Development, SAP ERP, ISO 9001: Auditor training and some high-end technology related courses like Advanced Materials, Robotics, Ergonomics are being taught in IIT-Kanpur and IIT-Madras campuses. The final term at IIM-Calcutta puts special emphasis on Leadership and Change Management with key focus on building an Entrepreneurial and Innovative culture. The terms also stress on the needs and nuances of Ethics and Ethical behaviour for today’s managers who compete a rapidly globalizing world.