1. International Workshop on MEMS and Micro/Nano Systems Technology for Bio-Implants and Bio-Applications – Organized at IIT Kharagpur Calcutta Centre during 28 th to 30 th December, 2006
2. Indo US Summer Workshop on Advanced and Futuristic Manufacturing – Organized at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois during 20 th and 21 st June, 2007
3. Indo US Workshop on Futuristic Shaping Technology at Meso, Micro and Nano Scales – Organized at IIT Kanpur during 9 th to 12 th October, 2007
Research Publications:
1. Ruth A. Lambert, S. Das, M. Madou, S. Chakraborty and R. H. Rangel – "Rapid Macromolecular Synthesis in Microfluidic Channels with Oscillating Flaps ", Int. Jr. of Heat and Mass Transfer (Submitted in May 2007)
2. Ruth A. Lambert, S. Chakraborty, M. Madou and R. H. Rangel – "Moving Flap Model for Fast DNA Hybridization in Microchannel Flow", 32nd International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2006), Barcelona, Spain, September, 2006
3. M. M. Kulkarni, R. Bandyopadhyay and A. Sharma – "Janus Silica Film with Superhydrophobic and hydrophyllic Surfaces Grown at Oil-Water Interface", Chemistry of Materials (Submitted in August 2007)
4. Das, A. L., Mukherjee, R., Katiyer, V., Kulkarni, M., Ghatak, A. and Sharma, A. – "Generation of Submicrometer-scale Pattern by Successive Miniaturization using Hydrogels", Advanced Materials, 19, 1943-1946, 2007
5. Kulkarni M. M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Bhattacharyya, B. and Sharma, A. – " Micro-Structural and Mechanical Properties of Silica # PEPEG Polymer Composite Xerogels ", Acta Materialia 54, 5231-5240, 2006
6. Ghai, I., J. Samuel, S. G. Kapoor and R. E. DeVor , "Effect of Carbon Nanotube Loading on the Machinability of Polycarbonated Nanocomposites," to appear in the Proc. of International and INCCOM-6 conference, I.I.T. Kanpur, Dec 12-14, 2007.
7. Ehmann, K. F. –"A Synopsis of U. S. micro-manufacturing research and development activities and trends," Proc. of the Third International conference on Multi-Material Micro-Manufacture, Oct. 3-5, 2007, pp7-13.
Some papers of joint authorship with Profs. M. Madou, A. Sharma, J. Cao and N. V. Reddy are under preparation
1. Teixidor G.T., Kulkarni M., Tripathi P., Subramaniam J., Sharma A. and Madou M.-"Carbon Micro-arrays as a Substrate for Patterned Cell Growth", MRS Fall Meeting, November 27-29, Boston, MA, USA
Patents / Inventions:
1. Cao, J. and Reddy, N. V. – " Double-Side Incremental Forming for Creating Multi- Scale Features " (Invention disclosure)
2. Madou M. et. al.-"Conformal deposition of carbon particles on three dimensional microstructures, UC Case No. 2007-541-1"
Consortium Formation:
Based on the collaborative research and development work going on under the umbrella of the Indo-US Centre for Advanced and Futuristic Manufacturing a consortium has been formed through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the five collaborating universities
1. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
2. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
3. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign
4. University of California Irvine
5. Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois