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Akshay Modi, an M.Tech Graduate who was the student of Prof. Nishith Verma has been awarded the IIChE-Ambuja Young Researcher Award for 2015
Prof. Yogesh Joshi of our department has been awarded the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for the year 2015 in Engineering Sciences
Prof. Ashutosh Sharma of our department has been appointed as the Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
IEI Young Engineer Award 2014-2015
Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards/Appreciations - 2014
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Welcome Message from Head

Ranked among the nation's best departments in chemical engineering, we are endowed with a faculty who are dedicated teachers and distinguished researchers that carry out cutting-edge research in all modern areas of chemical engineering, as well as in inter-disciplinary areas like nanosciences and technology, biosciences, soft matter physics, novel materials, high-performance computing and others. We provide a vibrant and creative learning environment for our students. We also participate extensively in R&D and consulting for a host of chemical and processing industries in India and abroad. Our alumni (graduates with Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees from our department) have distinguished themselves both in academia and industry, and continue to inspire our current generation of students. We invite you to explore more about our department through this website, and also invite you to personally visit our department to learn more! Please write to us on queries/suggestions regarding education, research and industrial consultancy.
Animangsu Ghatak
Professor and Head
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
IIT Kanpur
Email: aghatak[AT]
Phone: +91-512-259-7146 (O), +91-512-259-6045 (Lab)