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Debopam Das, PhD (IISc Bangalore)

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Instability & transition, Vortex Dynamics. Unsteady Aerodynamics, Birds’s and Insect’s Flight.
Email: das[AT]iitk.ac.in
Ph: +91-512-259-7227 (O)
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~das

I work on Aeroacoustics of supersonic vortices during evolution and interaction, Flapping wing aerodynamics, Fire propagation in confined spaces,  Analytical and experimental studies of unsteady pipe flow, Impinging jet flow studies for GSLV MK-III. Flow and acoustic field during initial startup, interaction with the reflected shock and interaction with the deflector and  Compressible vortex rings.