
Prakash M. Dixit, PhD (Minnesota)

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Professor & Head of Mechanical Department

Research Interests: Metal Forming, Ductile Fracture, Elasto-plastic Impact / Contact Problems and Finite Element Method
Email:  pmd[AT]
+91-512-259-7094(O-FB360), +91-512-259-7775 (O-Nuclear Bldg.) 
Metal Forming (Drawing/Extrusion, Rolling, Forging, Deep Drawing): Mathematical Modelling, Residual Stresses, Anisotropic Effects, Defect Prediction, Optimal Die Profile, Temperature and Lubrication Analysis, Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Mathematical Modelling. Large Deformation Elasto-Plastic Impact/Contact Problems, Ductile Fracture: Continuum Damage Mechanics Model, Finite Element Method