Anindya Chatterjee, PhD (Cornell University)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics, Studies in hysteresis and material damping, Statistics of engineering test data, Vehicle dynamics and control.
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Ph: +91-512-259-6961 (O-FB-357)
My research interests are Nonlinear dynamics, Studies in hysteresis and material damping, Statistics of engineering test data, Vehicle dynamics and control. Some topics on which I have worked are Damping, Boats, Journal bearings, Rotor dynamics, Fatigue damage evolution, Bicycles and motorcycles, Fractional order derivatives, Nonlinear oscillations, Delay differential equations, Ion dynamics in Paul traps, Health monitoring of equipment, Passive walking machines, Rigid body impact models, Odd topics.
Sumit Basu, PhD (IISc Bangalore)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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Associate Professor
Research Interests: Computational Micromechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Modelling of Materials across length scales, Finite deformation theories and Non-linear FEM.
Email: sbasu[AT]
Ph: +91-512-259-7506 (O)
We work in the broad area of computational materials science. This involves understanding the deformation and fracture behaviour of different classes of materials or material combinations under practically relevant loading situations. We use simulation tools ranging from non-linear Finite Element methods and meshfree techniques to classical Molecular Dynamics.A large part of our efforts are directed towards identifying links between the molecular architecture of amorphous glassy polymers and polymer blends to their macroscopic mechanical and thermal properties, ageing behaviour as well as fracture micromechanisms like crazing. We have recently started on in-situ electron microscopic studies (in collaboration with Dr P Venkitanarayanan's group) of fracture in polymers with a view to better understand the micromechanics of their failure. In collaboration with Dr N Nair (of Chemistry, IITK) we are in the process of devising techniques to better inform our classical MD codes with architectural details of the polymers we are studying. We also work on polymer matrix nanocomposites and treat them as systems within which many of the idealised 'toy' simulation situations like polymers confined between rigid walls, interactions between polymer chains and an inorganic substrate etc. shed their 'academic' garb and attain important practical significance. These include polymer nanocomposites with surface modified nano-spheres as well as nanotubes. Defect controlled yielding and plasticity in metals, enriched continuum models embedding experimentally calibrated interface behaviour and interactions between electrostatic fields and soft solids and simulation of fracture (basically shattering) of solids under ultra-high strain rates are the other areas where we are working actively with various other groups (Dr S Sangal MME IITK, Dr M S Bobji, ME IISc Bangalore, Dr N Gupta, EE, IITK, Dr J Sarkar, ChE, IITD). The group presently has 9 PhD students and collaborates actively both within and outside IITK. Several projects centred around the topics mentioned above have been completed and are being pursued. Industries like Danone, GE Research and Boeing have worked with us actively. We work with the broad philosophy that better understanding of the multi-faceted physics of deformation and fracture at various scales may obviate the need to perform huge, expensive simulations. Also, understanding at various length and time scales may not always fit with each other seamlessly but merely provide pointers that inform and provide better parametrisation of models at higher scales. In other words, parametric models ('glorified curve fits') are here to stay; the parameters however, need flesh and blood.
Anurag Gupta, PhD (Berkeley)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Dynamics of Defects in Solids, Waves in Solids, Mechanics of Thin films
Email: ag[AT]
Ph: +91-512- 259-6161 (O)
Our current interest lies in using differential geometry and PDE theory to study irreversible dynamics of defects in solids. In particular, we are looking at the following problems: 1) Dynamics of incoherent boundaries within solids (e.g. grain boundaries), 2) Classification of defects in solids on the basis of geometry and group theory, 3) Surface growth in biological systems.
Shantanu Bhattacharya, PhD (U of Missouri, Columbia)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Bio MEMS, Lab on Chip, Nano Technology, Microsystems Fabrication and MicroFluids.
Email: bhattacs[AT]
Ph: +91-512- 259-6056 (O)
We are in the process of developing a Microsystems fabrication laboratory and a team of researchers with the overall goal of being able to do cutting edge research in the areas of BioMEMS, Lab on a chip and Microfluidics based approaches to diagnose and detect clinical samples etc. We also evaluate the various Nano-technological approaches to synthesize smart materials which would be able to perform rapid sensing of gases, biological agents, physical parameters like temperature, pressure, explosions and combustion at the nanoscale with novel nanoenergetic materials etc. and interface these technologies with Microsystems. The vision of our research is to work in interdisciplinary areas of engineering and Life sciences and also to develop a team of researchers and workforce of the 21st century who can walk easily into a variety of domains of science and technology.
Arun K. Saha, PhD (IIT Kanpur)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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- Hits: 5256
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Turbulance, Chaos & Bifurcation, Vortex Dynamics, Hotwire Anemometry, Gas Hydrates, Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Email: aksaha[AT]
Ph: +91-512-259-7869 (O)
Our research team is engaged in both computational and experimental study of incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer for various applications. For computations, both DNS (direct numerical simulation) and turbulence modeling (RANS: Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes, both steady as well as unsteady, LES: Large Eddy Simulations) are carried out depending on the value of Reynolds number. In experiments, Hot-wire anemometry (HWA), Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Infrared Thermography techniques are used to characterize the flow and heat transfer. The following pictures shows one of the images of a controlled circular jet at Re=2,000 simulated using DNS technique.