Arun K. Saha, PhD (IIT Kanpur)
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- Category: Mechanical Engineering
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- Hits: 5258
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Turbulance, Chaos & Bifurcation, Vortex Dynamics, Hotwire Anemometry, Gas Hydrates, Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Email: aksaha[AT]
Ph: +91-512-259-7869 (O)
Our research team is engaged in both computational and experimental study of incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer for various applications. For computations, both DNS (direct numerical simulation) and turbulence modeling (RANS: Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes, both steady as well as unsteady, LES: Large Eddy Simulations) are carried out depending on the value of Reynolds number. In experiments, Hot-wire anemometry (HWA), Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Infrared Thermography techniques are used to characterize the flow and heat transfer. The following pictures shows one of the images of a controlled circular jet at Re=2,000 simulated using DNS technique.