Fluid and Thermal Sciences
Besides the traditional research areas in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, multiphase flows, turbulence and combustion, this group is engaged in a broad range of research activities in experimental fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer, flow in porous media, turbomachinery, electrochemical energy conversion, IC engines, alternate fuels, laser diagnostic techniques, micro-fluidics and heat transfer, boiling heat transfer, condensation, heat pipes, thermal management, sprays, turbulent combustion, hydrodynamic instabilities, vortex dynamics, gravity currents, energy storage materials, atomic scale computation, etc.
The entire research in Fluid and Thermal Sciences stream is divided into the following four tracks.

Alternate Fuel and Internal Combustion Engines

Combustion and Energy Systems

Gas Turbines Engineering and Technology

Transport Phenomena and Multi-Physics Simulations
Research Facilities:
CFD Laboratory
High performance computing clusters
Computational Turbo machinery Laboratory
High performance computing Clusters:
48 Node Cluster with Intel Xeon Quad core @2.96 GHz, Total 192 cores, 16 GB RAM, 40 Gbps Infiniband Network with 12 TB Storage.
24 Node Cluster with Intel Xeon Hexacore @2.96 GHz, Total 288 cores, 16 GB RAM, 40 Gbps Infiniband Network with 12 TB Storage.
12 Node Cluster with Intel Xeon Quadcore @2.96 GHz, Total 96 cores, 16 GB RAM, 40 Gbps Infiniband Network with 12 TB Storage.
3 Intel Xeon WorkStations.
20 Personal Computers.
Energy Conversion and Storage Laboratory
Electrochemical test station (in-house development), Stereoscopic shadowgraphy, Two-phase particle image velocimetry
Engine Research Laboratory
Single Cylinder Optical Research Engine
Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Multi-Cylinder Engine Test Cell
Regulated And Unregulated Emission Measurement Facilities
Particulate Characterization Facility
Engine Endoscopy
Fuel And Lubricating Oil Test Facilities
Engine Noise and Vibration
Laser Ignition
Combustion Visualization and Optical Diagnostics
Particle Image Velocimetryfor In-cylinder Flow Visualization
Phase Doppler Interferrometry for Spray Characterization
Experimental Turbomachinery Laboratory
Hot Wire Anemometer, PIV, LDA and Electronically scanned pressure sensor.
Fluid mechanics Lab
Low speed wind tunnel
Smoke tunnel
Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Ar-ion laser
Anton Paar refractometer
Schlieren and shadowgraph systems
Stereoscopic PIV
High resolution, color and grey-scale, and high speed CCD cameras
Several clusters and work stations
Cardio-flow pump
Storage-scopes, oscilloscopes, high precision multimeters,
Spectrum analyzers
Constant temperature baths
Temperature controllers
Undergraduate laboratory set-ups
Gas Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory
Thermocouples, IR Camera, High Speed Blower, High Speed Camera, Shadowgraph Setup (Multiple Cameras, Laser as light-source, Optical quality mirror)
Micro-scale transport laboratory
Micro-PIV with Nd:YAG laser, Micro-holographic measurement system, Micro-LIF, Syringe pump; Gear pump, Ultra-Sonicator, Differential Pressure Transducer, Mechanical Stirrer, Centrifuge, Magnetic Particle Separator
Phase-change Thermal Systems Laboratory
High Speed Camera ,CCD camera, Infrared camera Vacuum pumps (diffusion and turbo molecular), Thermal baths Leak detectors
Water Tunnel Facility
Water Tunnel Set-up, Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), Hotwire Anemometry, Load-Cell.