List of Courses and Video Lectures


  • ESO214/ESO205: Nature and Properties of Materials
  • TA201: Manufacturing Processes
  • MME342: Materials Characterization
  • MME467: Materials for Semiconductor Industry (New course, with Prof. D. Gupta)
  • MME685: Thin film Physics and Applications (New Course)
  • MME686: Semiconductor Devices & Processing
  • MSE410 I: Introduction to electrical and magnetic properties( New course, with Prof. D.Gupta)
  • MSE666: Magnetic materials
  • MSE615: Materials Structure and Characterization
  • MSE303: Introduction to electrical and magnetic properties (New course; with other faculty members in the Dept.-2010 UGRC)
  • MSE628: Semiconductor Devices and Characterization (New course; with other faculty members in the Dept.- 2010 UGRC)
  • MSE605: Surface Phenomena and Characterization
  • MSE312: Functional Materials Lab (New course; with other faculty members in the Dept.- 2010 UGRC)
  • MSE624: Energy Materials and Technologies(New course; with other faculty members in the Dept.- 2010 UGRC)
  • MSE300: Professional Communication

Video Lectures

NPTEL Video Course on Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (Click here for complete lecture Series)

Lecture 21: Carrier recombination-generation - I: band-to-band transition
Lecture 22: Carrier recombination-generation - II: Other mechanisms
Lecture 23: R-G statistics via R-G centers