01 |
Name: |
Abhishek Kumar Singh |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Address: |
abhismsp at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar |
Home Page: |
02 |
Name: |
Shivendra Kumar Jaiswal |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Iron and Cobaltbased Ceramic Membrane |
Address: |
shivendra_bhu at yahoo.co.in |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar |
Home Page: |
03 |
Name: |
Vijay Kumar Kashyap |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Inorganic Oxygen
Permeable Membranes |
Address: |
kashyapv at iitk.ac.in,
kashyapvk at gmail.com |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar |
Home Page: |
04 |
Name: |
Amit Kumar Srivastava |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Oxide Thin Films
and Nano-powder |
Address: |
at gmail.com,
aksri at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar |
Home Page: |
http://home.iitk.ac.in/~aksri |
05 |
Name: |
Devendra Pratap Singh |
Degree: |
M.Tech, Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Research Interest: |
Superionic Conductors and Polymer Electrolytes for
Lithium Ion Battery |
Address: |
dpsingh at iitk.ac.in,
dpphysics at gmail.com |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. K. Shahi and Prof. Kamal K. Kar |
Home Page: |
06 |
Name: |
Ram Narayan Chauhan |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Transparent Conducting Oxides for Photovoltaic
Applications” |
Address: |
at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar and Dr. R.S. Anand |
Home Page: |
07 |
Name: |
Chandresh Kumar Rastogi |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Optical and
Secondary Electron Emission Studies on Rare-earth Doped MgO Thin Films |
Address: |
crastogi at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar and Prof. S. Sivakumar |
Home Page: |
08 |
Name: |
Raghunandan Sharma |
Degree: |
M. Tech, IIT-Kanpur |
Research Interest: |
Carbon Nanotube Based Catalysts for
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells |
Address: |
raghumsp at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
and Prof. Malay K Das |
Home Page: |
09 |

Name: |
Rajeev Kumar Gautam |
Degree: |
M.Tech., IT-BHU |
Research Interest: |
Bipolar Plate for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell |
Address: |
at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
Home Page: |
10 |
Name: |
Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava |
Degree: |
M.Tech., Barkatullah
University Bhopal |
Research Interest: |
Modification of
Spontaneous Emission of Semiconductor and Rear Earth Nano-particles using Photonic Crystals
Address: |
vishnu at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar and Prof. Sri Sivakumar
Home Page: |
11 |
Name: |
Soma Banerjee |
Degree: |
M.Tech., University of
Calcutta |
Research Interest: |
PEM fuel
Cell Membrane |
Address: |
somab at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
Home Page: |
12 |
Name: |
Narendra Kumar |
Degree: |
M.Tech. (Laser Sc. &
Appl.), DAVV Indore |
Research Interest: |
Role of Dielectrics in EIS Systems
Address: |
nkumar at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar and Prof. Siddhartha Panda |
Home Page: |
13 |
Name: |
Alok Kumar Pandey |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Carbon Nanotube Based Biomaterial |
Address: |
at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
and Prof. K. Shahi |
Home Page: |
14 |
Name: |
Chhatrasal Shlikram
Gayner |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Solar (Photovoltaic)-Thermoelectric-Materials |
Address: |
iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
and Prof. Malay K Das |
Home Page: |
Name: |
Pankaj Chamoli |
Degree: |
M.Tech., Thapar
University |
15 |
Research Interest: |
Nanostructure based Organic Solar Cell |
Address: |
at iitk.ac.in
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
Home Page: |
16 |
Name: |
Asheesh Kumar |
Degree: |
Research Interest: |
Bipolar Plate of PEM Fuel Cell |
Address: |
asheesh at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisors: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
and Prof. Malay K Das |
Home Page: |
17 |
Name: |
C. Jayesh |
Degree: |
Viswavidya Peedham |
Research Interest: |
Carbon based Supercapacitor:
Flexible Energy Storage Device |
Address: |
jayesh at iitk.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
Home Page: |
18 |
Name: |
Poonam |
Degree: |
Thapar University |
Research Interest: |
Dye Sensitized Solar Cell |
Address: |
poonamsp at iit.ac.in |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Prof. Kamal K. Kar
Home Page: |
19 |
Name: |
Subhash Singh |
Degree: |
M.Tech., IIT-Kharagpur |
Research Interest: |
Address: |
Thesis Supervisor: |
Mohapatra |
Home Page: |