IIT Kanpur Certificate Program on Python & QISKIT
for Data Science, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Quantum Computing
                                            1st March to 28th March 2025
      Organized by Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham, EE Department, IIT Kanpur
Selective snapshots of the recently concluded One Week MATLAB Project Course on 5G Wireless Technologies: Massive MIMO, mmWave, NOMA, Full Duplex, OFDM/FBMC, NB-IoT " held during July 8th-14th, 2019 at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Snaps from Mini-Project Course in Hyderabad on MU-MIMO, Massive MIMO and OFDM Technologies for 5G Networks" held during March 27th-30th, 2019 at Osmania University, Hyderabad.