About Us
Centre propose to combine our expertise in biology and nanotechnology to gain critical insight into complex biological phenomena and develop different platforms for early detection of the diseases. Centre is spread in 4000 sq. ft. area of class 10000 class clean rooms to provide Characterization and Fabrication Tools

Our Mission
To provide a state-of-the-art facility and resources for carrying out research and development activities in the areas of Nanoscience and Technology in a shared-access, shared-cost environment to IITK users, industry, academia and defense labs. We had provide our fabrication and Characterization services to all over collaborators and users as well around the India.

Our Plan
Enables processing and characterization of a wide range of nanoscale materials, structures, and devices critical to the users fabrication and charactrerization needs. We propose to combine our expertise in biology and nanotechnology to gain critical insight into complex biological phenomena and develop different platforms for early detection of the diseases.

Our Vision
Foster internal collaboration in nanotechnology across IITK laboratories and external collaboration with Centre for Nanosciences partners through its shared environment. Supports the development of nanotechnology from discovery to production- Successful startups like E-Spin Nanotech Pvt. Ltd. and many other startup incubated at IITK continue to get facility support.
We propose to combine our expertise in biology and nanotechnology to gain critical insight into complex biological phenomena and develop different platforms for early detection of the diseases. We are spread in 4000 sq. ft. area of class 10000 class clean rooms to provide Characterization and Fabrication Tools
Development of MEMSMicrocantilever Sensors for Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB).
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Polymeric composite grafted with Cu-nanoparticle-dispersed carbon nanofibers:
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Multiscale Scaffolds as Fabrication Platform for Screening, Analysis and Development of in vitro 3D platform for Tuberculosis.
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Ready to use Mycobacterial culture growth media nanofiber mats for further use in research
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We offer different Characterization, Fabrication Tools, HRTEM for material science application , Cryo TEM for Biological science, Sample preparation tools and AFM
Centre at a Glance
We are spread in 4000 sq. ft. area of class 10000 class clean rooms to provide Characterization and Fabrication Tools.
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Prof Ashutosh Sharma
Founder, CNS
Prof Sri Sivakumar
Cordinator, CNS