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Core Repository
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Core Library (Room temperature)
This has an area of 32.5 m2 and is housing about 600 meters
of cores the cores at room temperature. Currently, it is . As and when
more cores arrive, the storage capacity can be increased by additional
stacks. |
The cold room has two components.
The large part has a dimension
of 9’-8” x 9’-8” x 8’ and maintains a temperature of +5 °C.
smaller and independent part with a dimension of 5’-10” x 9’-8”
x 8’-10.25” maintains a temperature of -18 °C.
Stainless steel
racks are used to keep the cores inside the cold room
The core analysis lab
houses the
Drill core scanner
which is used for continuous measurement of
gamma-ray activity, concentrations of K, U, Th and magnetic susceptibility
of drill cores.
The measurement of gamma-ray activity is based on the capture of
emitted gamma quanta in scintillation detector. the gamma quanta are
transformed into electric pulses. The queue of electric pulses is
analysed consequently.
The measurement of magnetic susceptibility is done using air-cored
coil as a part of the electric oscillator.
cutting machine
This lab houses:
Stereozoom microscope
by virtue of its twin eyepieces, allows you to view your
specimen with both eyes and get a much more accurate view of its
surface. It can efficiently handle the viewing of solid
specimens of any material from paper to insects to gemstones.
Its zoom feature will give you magnification of between ten and
forty times, making the tiniest details of a specimen’s surface
clearly visible for analyzing.
Petrological microscope
(attached with image analysis system)
For the measurement
of the optical properties of minerals the petrographic
microscope is the most important instrument available to
petrographical image analysis (PIA) is available using modern
PIA software packages. Digital petrographical images recorded
from macrophotography, optical microscopy and scanning electron
microscopy can be processed to provide a wide variety of
quantitative information on mineral fabric, modal mineralogy and
Bartington Magnetic
Susceptibility Meter
is a portable measuring meter
which displays the magnetic susceptibility value of materials
when brought within the influence of the sensor. Each sensor is
designed for a specific application and sample type. An RS232
serial interface allows the instrument to operate in conjunction
with custom PC compatible software running on a PC or a portable
data logger.
lab is being used for wet analysis of cores such as grain size analysis and
sample preparation for clay mineralogical analysis.
in this lab are:
Digital flame photometer:
It operates on the principle of Flame photometry (Flame Emission
Spectroscopy). A sample diluted with distilled water is nebulized and
aspirated into blue flame of LPG-Air mixture. The intensity of emission
transmitted through filter for an element compared to that of the blank with
which the instrument is standardized, directly indicates concentration of
the element in the sample.
pH/conductivity/ion analyzer:
The conductivity measurement
involves AC current measurement through a column of solution under an
external reference AC voltage source. When passed through a known series
resistance, the current furnishes voltage output which is a measure of
conductance. pH
determination involves determination of millivolts developed across a pair
of electrodes (glass and calomel) when dipped into a solution.
This lab houses sedimentological
instruments such as:
Bottle shaker
High temperature oven
other minor accessories