National Centre for Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE)
Samtel Centre for Display Technologies (SCDT), IIT Kanpur
A Short Course on Flexible Electronics
3rd - 8th July, 2017 at IIT Kanpur
To provide an overview of the emerging field of "Flexible Electronics" including its underlying principles, challenges and opportunities.
Who should attend?
PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty members, scientists, engineers, technical consultants and industrial R&D personnel working in the area of electronic materials, devices, and systems (e.g., packaging, smart cards / labels, sensors, IoT, lighting and display).

General Format
The course will be conducted by faculty members & scientists from IIT Kanpur and invited speakers from other academic institutes and industry. The participants will be introduced to the field of flexible and large area electronics, electronic devices, materials, processing and system integration.
Typically, there will be two sessions each day - the morning and the afternoon session. The engagement each day will be for 6 to 8 hours. The lectures will be delivered in the morning sessions. The afternoon sessions may be used for demonstrations, discussions, and/or lectures. The lecture topics will include:
- Overview of Flexible Electronics
- Market Scenario and Opportunities
- Fundamentals of Flexible Electronic Devices
- Materials for Flexible Electronics
- Processing methods for Flexible Electronics
- Characterization and Device Integration
Demonstrations will include
- fabrication and characterization of devices
- printing processes and lab tour
The list of speakers and details of the schedule will be announced at the course website.
Selection of Participants
The maximum number of registered participants in the course will be 40. Due to limited seats, a maximum of two participants from the same institute may be allowed to register. Students and researchers must include a brief statement of interest for attending the short course along with their application. Participants from industry may also indicate their area of interest in the registration form. This short course will assume basic understanding of electronic materials and devices.
Fees and Expenses during the Course
Boarding and lodging during the course will be provided to all participants. Travel fare from home institute by III AC may be provided to academic participants on request.
Registration fee: Rs. 500/- (for student participants) and Rs. 1000/- (all others).
Last day for receipt of application form: 11th June 2017 (Candidates may send duly signed soft copy of registration form by email. However, a hard copy must accompany the registration fee DD by postal email).
Announcement of selected candidates: 17th June 2017
Course Coordinator,
Samtel Centre for Display Technologies,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
U.P. - 208016
Phone: 091-512-2596622
Fax: 091-512-2596620
This course is organized by the FlexE Centre and SCDT, IIT Kanpur and financially supported by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India.
Vision and Objectives
Vision: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics that serves as a foundation for development of domestic industry in this field.
Objective: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics by developing partnership with industry and with a view that potentially leads to manufacturing.