IITK Aquatics Team

Oxygen is for the WEAK, come smell the CHLORINE !!!

Swimming Pool Management Committee

Swimming Pool is an Institute Management Community Facility operating under the Physical Education Section through a management Committee appointed by the Director.

The staff of swimming pool will be directly under the control of In-charge, Physical Education Department.

Swimming Pool Management committee comprises:

1. A Faculty who is a member of Sports & Games Committee Chairman
2. Faculty nominee Member
3. General Secretry, Games & Sports Member
4. Captain, Institute Swimming Team Member
5. Incharge, Physical Education section Member-Secretary
Present SMC:

1. Prof. Ashish Garg, Dept of Materials and mettalurgical Engineering, (Chairman)

2. Dr. Gautam Deo, Dept of Chemical Engineering, (Member)

3. Mr. Harendra Verma, Gen Sec Games and Sports, (Member)

4. Mr. Kush Shah, Captain Aquatics Team, (Member)

5. Mr. Kripal Singh, I/C Physical Education Dept., (Member and Secretary)


  1. To prepare the budget and lay down the policy guidelines for smooth running of the pool.
  2. To decide about membership fees for different categories of users and charges for the guests of the members.
  3. To decide about the dates of opening and closing of a swimming season.
  4. To decide about pool timings and slots for swimming pool usage.
  5. To formulate/revise conduct rules and guidelines for smooth running of the swimming pool.
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