Alumni PhD Students |
Dhananjay Kumar |
Thesis Title: Spray,
Laser Ignition, Combustion and Engine Investigations of
Low Carbon Fuels
Degree Awarded: Sept 2024
Current Coordinate:
Postdoctoral researcher at UW-Madison
Contact No. +91-9402358052
Rajesh Kumar Prasad |
Thesis Title: Laser
Plasma Ignited Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas
Engine Development and Experimental Evaluation
Degree Awarded: May 2018
Current Coordinate:
Associate Professor, ICFAI University, West Bengal
Contact No. +91-8853992752
Vikram Kumar |
Thesis Title: Enhancement
of Tribological Properties of Epoxy Composite Coatings
for Engine Applications
Degree Awarded: Aug 2017
Current Coordinate: Post
Doctoral, IIT Kanpur
Contact No. +91-8953438079
E-mail: |
Akhilendra Pratap Singh
Thesis Title: Mode
Switching Prototype Engine Development for Low
Temperature Combustion
Degree Awarded: Jan 2017
Current Coordinate: Post
Doctoral, IIT Kanpur
Contact No. +91-7458902505
Nikhil Sharma |
Thesis Title: Spray,
combustion, emissions and particulate investigations of
a gasohol fuelled gasoline direct injection engine
Degree Awarded: Nov 2017
Current Coordinate: Assistant Professor at MNIT Jaipur
Contact No. +91-9455504117
E-mail: |
Prakash Satsangi |
Thesis Title:
Acoustics, Vibrations, Performance, Combustion and
Emissions Characterization of Diesohol Fuelled Single
Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine
Degree Awarded: June 2017
Current Coordinate: Assistant Professor at BTKIT Dwarahat
Contact No: +91-9198433411
NA |
Chetan Patel
Thesis Title: Spray,
Engine Combustion, Performance, Emissions, Vibrations
and Acoustics Studies of Biodiesel and SVO Blends.
Degree Awarded: Dec 2016
Current Coordinate:
Associate Professor, SNPITRC Bardoli
Contact No. +91-9794132233
Jai Gopal Gupta |
Thesis Title:
Combustion, Material Compatibility, and Engine Tribology
Investigations in a Karanja Biodiesel Fuelled
Turbo-charged Diesel Engine
Degree Awarded: July 2016
Current Coordinate:
Assistant Professor, Girls Goverment College, Ajmer,
Contact No. +91-9621249639
E-mail:; |
Pravesh Chandra Shukla |
Thesis Title: Diesel
Emissions Characterization and Control Using Non-Noble
Metal based Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs)
Degree Awarded: Feb 2016
Current Coordinate:
Assistant Professor, IIT Bhilai
Contact No.
E-mail: |
Dhananjay Srivastava |
Thesis Title: Experimental
Investigations of Laser Ignition of Natural Gas-Air
Mixtures for Engine Applications
Degree Awarded: 2013
Current Coordinate:
Assistant Professor, IIT Kharagpur
Contact No.
E-mail: |
Atul Dhar |
Thesis Title: Combustion, Performance, Emissions, Durability and
Lubricating Oil Tribology Investigations of Biodiesel (Karanja)
Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine
Degree Awarded: 2013
Current Coordinate:
Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Mandi
Contact No. 01905-237993
E-mail: |
Rakesh Kumar
Maurya |
Thesis Title: Characterization and Control of HCCI
Combustion Engine for Utilization of Different Gasoline
Like Fuels
Degree Awarded: 2012
Current Coordinate:
Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical,
Materials and Energy Engineering at IIT Ropar
Contact No. +91-1881-242275
E-mail: |
Shailendra Sinha
Thesis Title: Biodiesel
Development, Characterization, Performance, Emission and
Wear studies on Transportation CI DI Engine
Degree Awarded: 2008
Current Coordinate:
Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow
Contact No: +91-9415519875
E-mail: |