Office Staff of R&D


Officer in Charge


Mr. Bhupender Singh Negi
Deputy Registrar

Email: bsnegi[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597385


Mr. Amar Pal
Assistant Registrar

Email: amarpal[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596223


Senior Superintendent (DORD Office)


Mr. Anil K. Bhatia
(Sr. Supdt.)

Email: anilb[AT]

Phone: 0512-2592341


Liaison Cell


Hosting visitors’ delegations related to the R&D office within the Institute and coordinating with faculty members. Organization and logistic handling related to both national and international visitors. Communication with external funding bodies including industries and also coordinate outreach activities of the DORD. Preparing quarterly and annual scientific reports/ Convocation report, data analysis, organization, and plotting in suitable representative forms. Dissemination of research funding opportunities and replying RTI queries.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Dr. Nalini Sankararamakrishan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr. Nalini Sankararamakrishan
(Principal REO)

Email: nalini[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596842


Dr. Srivani Vinay
Project Executive Officer

Email: vsrivani[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596647


Mr. Vivek Kumar Shukla

Email: dordoffice[AT]

Phone: 0512-259-7046


Project Management Cell


Issuance of endorsement letters from the Head of the Institute; Registration, extension, and closure of projects; Receipt of the grants; Issuance of Utilization Certificates and Statement of Accounts for sponsored research projects; Bharatkosh/ e-MRO payments against refunds, faculty no-dues etc.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Mr. Md. Saifulabad Siddiqui at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr. Md. Saifulabad Siddiqui
(Jr. Supdt.)
(Cell In-charge)

Email: pmc_dord[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597178


Ms. Shreya Srivastava
(Jr. Asst.)
(Alternate In-charge)

Email: shreyasr[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597178


Mr. Sidharth Tiwari
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: sidhart[AT]

Phone: 0512-2594785


Mr. Anuj Kumar
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: kranuj[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597178


Mr. Sumit Doharay
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: dsumit[AT]

Phone: 0512-2594785


Mr. Vijay Bahadur
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: vijayb[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597178


Mr. Ravi Kumar
(Proj. Asst.)

Email: kravi[AT]

Phone: 0512-2594785


Stores and Purchase Management Cell


Processing of indigenous and import orders through research projects; Payment of direct and purchase order-based bills from research projects; Reparation and verification of assets from research projects on a half-yearly or yearly basis; Processing and payments of GeM-based orders from research projects; Recordkeeping and Inventory management; Providing coordination and assistance to other departments and sections for the procurement of goods and services.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Mr. Deepak Singh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr. Deepak Singh
(Sr. Asst.)
(Cell In-charge)

Email: vdeepak[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597392


Mr. Karamvir
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: karamvir[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597678


Mr. Pranaya Deep Kanaujiya
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: pranayadk[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597678


Mr. Shiv Shankar Yadav
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: shivy[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596190


Mr. Amit Mishra
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: mamit[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597392


Mr. Pranjul Shukla
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: pranjuls[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597678


Mr. Sanjay Mahadeo Phalke
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: sanjaymp[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596190


Mr. Shoeb Iqbal
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: ishoeb[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597392


Mr. Bhim Bahadur
(Proj. Asst.)

Email: dak_rnd[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596190


Establishment Management Cell


Work related to various categories of project appointment including selection committee, adhoc and student appointment; Work assignment approval and clearance of bill. The miscellaneous work includes RTI, post-retirement benefits of quasi-Permanent employees, NOC to project staff.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Ms. Meenakshi Mishra at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ms. Meenakshi Mishra
(Jr. Supdt.)
(Cell In-charge)

Email: menakshi[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597120


Mr. Rupesh Kumar
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: rupeshk[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597120


Mr. Vikas
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: vikasg[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597120


Mr. Pawan Tewari
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: pawant[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597120


Mr. Rishabh Nishad
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: rishabhn[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597120


Cheque Cell


Disbursing all project related payments; Discharging the responsibilities of Financial Status; SR numbering; Cheque payment, RTGS /NEFT payment; Virtual payment through PFMS; TDS submission through Challan; Maintenance of R&D fund account & Cash-book; R&D as well as A/c-II fund Investments; Co-ordination with the banks; Resolving queries of payment related issues; and Safekeeping of payment records etc.



Mr. Manish Sharma
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: manishsr[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597564


Ms. Iti Sharma
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: itisharma[AT]

Phone: 0512-259-6244


Mr. Surya Prakash
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: suryap[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596244


Ms. Anju Chaurasia
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: anjuc[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597564


Mr. Robin Mishra
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: robinm[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597564


Mr. Subodh Badola
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: subodhb[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596244


Ms. Ram Dulari
(Proj. Asst.)

Email: rdulari[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596244


Accounting & Finance Cell


Preparation of Financial Statements and Balance Sheet of R&D Office; Management of funds related to Consultancy; Testing and Sponsored research projects; Overhead deduction; Preparing invoices; Bill of Supplies; Export invoices; eWay bill; Financial documents required by funding agencies; Credit notes; BRS, Fund Management for projects running through PFMS; Vendor Registration and Registration as Vendor; Financial Management of R&D Office and Claims settlement (Internal and External), GSTR filing, TDS refunds, Managing funds from foreign funding agencies


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Mr. Md. Saifulabad Siddiqui at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr. Md. Saifulabad Siddiqui
(Jr. Supdt.)
(Cell In-charge)

Email: fna_dord[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597390


Mr. Pramod Kumar
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: kpramod[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597566


Mohd. Shamshuddin
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: shams[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597566


Mr. Ramji Trivedi
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: ramjit[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597390


Ms. Veena
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: veenat[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597566


Ms. Mansi Yadav
(Proj. Asst.)

Email: mansiy[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597566


Advance Management Cell


Processing for taking and settling all type of advances; Medical reimbursements; TA bill reimbursements; Vendor payment for taxi bill and Providing no-dues to student and all project staff in online and offline mode.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Rajesh Singh Yadav at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Rajesh Singh Yadav
(Jr. Supdt.)
(Cell Incharge)

Email: rsyadav[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597343


Mr. Ravi Sharma
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: ravisharma[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597678


Mr. Sudhaker Mourya
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: smourya[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597343


Mr. Prashant Mishra
(Proj. Asst.)

Email: prashantm[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597343


Corporate Relations & Communication (CRC) Cell


The major responsibilities of CRC Cell include drafting/vetting of Agreements, MOUs, Purchase Orders, Bidding Documents, Tender Documents, etc. related to collaboration, non-disclosure and academic activities, Preparation of quarterly reports to be uploaded on DORD website, Vetting/drafting Agreements received from other Departments of the Institute, Negotiations with industries related to the Agreements/MOU and Liaisoning with corporate sector for R&D activities.


For any queries related to the above please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Cell is also responsible for Design & Development of R&D Newsletter, Maintenance of the DORD website, Report development including convocation report, designing posters/flyers for various R&D events, preparation of executive presentations in coordination with the Liaison cell, Handling the social media handle for the R&D office, Coordination for the Institute Research Magazine 'Directions


For any queries related to the above please contact Ms. Chitralekha Bhattacharya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ms. Shreya Mishra
(Consultant (legal))

Email: mshreya[AT]


Ms. Chitralekha Bhattacharya
(Sr. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: chitrab[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596406


Mr. Anurag Singh Chauhan
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: anurags[AT]

Vendor Registration Desk
Email: vrdesk_dord[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597919


Ms. Ranjana Pandey
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: ranjana[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597919


Ms. Palak Sachdeva
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: spalak[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597374


Mr. Arpan Singh Bhadauriya
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: arpansb[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597919


Salary and Fellowships Cell


Accept joining, extension, resignation; Personnel data maintenance related to projects; Release of monthly, supplementary salary, pension of quasi permanent and stipend of students as well as calculation of income tax of project employees; Processing of payment of honorarium of institute employees, project employees and outsiders from project; Dealing of fellowship project and fellowship payment.


For any queries related to the above please contact cell-in-charge Mr. Sai Kumar Kandhukuri at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr. Sai Kumar Kandhukuri
(Jr. Supdt.)
(Cell In-charge)

Email: saik[AT]

Phone: 512-2596576


Ms. Anshu
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: anshu[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596974


Mr. Bhola Prasad Gupta
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: bpgupta[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596951


Mr. Saurabh Gupta
(Jr. Asst.)

Email: saurabhgpt[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596951


Mr. Vinay Kumar Shukla
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: vinayks[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596974


Mr. Alok Sharma
(Proj. Mngr.)

Email: salok[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596951


R&D Office Automation Cell


Mr. Vivek Kumar Shukla
(Sr. Proj. Associate)

Email: vivekks[AT]

Phone: 0512-2597046


Project Staff Accommodation (PSA)


Mr. Randhir Kumar Singh
(Dy. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: randhirk[AT]

Phone: 0512-2594265


Mr. Suresh Chandra Verma
(Asst. Proj. Mngr.)

Email: vchandra[AT]

Phone: 0512-2594265


Dak Cell


Mr. Shyam Kishor Shukla
(Jr. Asst)

Email: shyamks[AT]

Phone: 0512-2596051


Mr. Shivam Singh
(Proj. Asst.)

Phone: 0512-2596051




Mr. Jeet Kumar Awasthi

Phone: 0512-2596051


Mr. Shakeel Ahamad



Mr. Virendra Kumar



Mr. Rudra Bahadur



Mr. Sahul Kumar
