

Sensors Group at FlexE Centre is developing state-of-the art flexible sensors. The main objective of this group is to design and fabricate flexible sensors with new capabilities or improved performance and readout electronic circuits for novel usage scenarios. Main application areas include healthcare, food quality, environmental monitoring, industrial safety and security. Some of our current activities include flexible thermal sensors, flexible gas sensors, electrochemical sensors for detection of heavy metals in water and microfluidic immunosensors for detection of disease biomarkers in body fluids. Furthermore, the Sensors Group also undertakes research and development activities in the areas of transport phenomena, reaction engineering, materials processing and micro/nano fabrication leading to the technology development of chemical sensors.

Current Specialisation

Application areas : healthcare, environmental monitoring, security

Research focus : sensing mechanisms, transport, reactions, micro/nano fabrication

Technology focus : programmable sensor arrays

Technology focus

Sensor device design and fabrication Sensor arrays, multianalyte detection

Application areas

Healthcare, environmental, biomedical and food packaging, medical, process engineering, safety

Exemplary Activities

Flexible thermal sensors for monitoring body temperature

Gas sensors for breath analysis

Electrochemical sensors for detection of heavy metals in water

Microfluidic sensors for detection of disease biomarkers in body fluids

Vision and Objectives

Vision: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics that serves as a foundation for development of domestic industry in this field.

Objective: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics by developing partnership with industry and with a view that potentially leads to manufacturing.

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