ChEmference2010 aims to provide an excellent opportunity to share and exchange novel ideas and experiences among researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals. Chemical Engineering has been envisioned with evolutionary and inspiring ideas like Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Process Control and Optimization, Energy and Environment, Nanotechnogy and many more. Thus Chemference-2010 will provide a platform to celebrate and share the innovations and advancements in Chemical Engineering and allied fields.
The idea of ChEmference owes its genesis to the efforts of research scholars in the Chemical Engineering Department of IIT Kanpur. In the initial years it was confined to the research students of IITK working in the field of Chemical Engineering and allied areas. The year 2008 was a significant milestone in the advent of ChEmference when it evolved into a national level event witnessing participation from researcher from various IITs, IISc and other institutes of excellence. Continuing with the forward march, IIT Madras took the lead to host the event in 2009, thereby seeding the concept of rotating the host institute every year. Since 2010 has a significant place in the history of IIT Kanpur, being its fiftieth glorious year, ChEmference 2010 happens to be a golden opportunity to celebrate the IITK saga.
List of selected Oral Presentations.
List of selected Poster Presentations.