
Prof. Yogesh Singh Chauhan
Head, CRR
Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur

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Faculty at IITK extends active participation in research and development

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Projects and proposals undertaken for the fullfillment of the vision and mission of CRR

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Team members responsible for research and administrative tasks

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Our mission and vision

Indian Ministry of Railways is operating one of the largest railway system in the world transporting 8.397 billion passengers and over 100 million tons of freight annually. Indian Railway system is going through a major technological transformation involving modernization and upgradation of its assets including track infrastructure bridges rolling stock and signaling infrastructure. It is also working on development and induction of new technologies in the field of condition monitoring, predictive maintenance system, Data Analytics, use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for different applications on Indian Railway Network, use of Drones, ground penetrating radar, IR Camera based fog vision system, Automated Inspection System / smart yards etc. Speed upgradation projects on core routes of Indian Railway Network is also being taken up in mission mode by Ministry of Railways. Indian Railways therefore intend to increase its outreach to academy and industry to leverage the domain knowledge and expertise available with them for undertaking core and fundamental research for development of new technologies and applications for use on Indian Railways Network. Advancement in technology plays a major role not only in improving the quality of service but also in productive utilization environment of rail infrastructure and reducing costs. In line with "Make in India" policy of Government of India, Indian Railways intend to develop cutting edge technologies indigenously and turn a net exporter of technology.


For execution and implementation of the MoU Steering Committee and Project evaluation and monitoring committee have been constituted.



  • Dean, Research and Development, IIT Kanpur


  • Chief Project Consultant (Railway Engineering)
  • Executive Officer (Nominated from RDSO)
  • Head CRR
  • Professor (Nominated from IIT Kanpur)
  • Officer (Nominated by RDSO)

Project evaluation and monitoring committee

  • Head CRR: Chairman
  • Chief Project Consultant (Railway Engineering): Co-Chairman
  • Executive Officer (Nominated from RDSO): Member
  • Internal Member (Domain Expert) from IIT Kanpur: Member
  • Member (Domain Expert) from RDSO: Member
  • Member (Domain Expert) from RDSO: Member

Centre for Railway Research

Centre for Railway Research (CRR) has been sanctioned by the Ministry of Railways for undertaking core and fundamental research. The nodal area of Railway research assigned to CRR, IIT Kanpur by Ministry of Railways is 'Loco Research & Propulsion Technologies, Traction Installation/OHE'.