Class of 1973


1973 Class Fund

In your Golden Jubilee year of graduation, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to your unrelenting dedication and selfless contributions, whether financial or otherwise, and the significant impact they have had in the growth and success of IIT Kanpur. You are all ambassadors of this great institution, and we are very proud of your accomplishments and are thrilled to see you reach new heights and touch the lives of so many people.

Giving back plays a vital role in supporting various initiatives and programs that directly benefit the IITK community in the form of:

  • Student Scholarships & Awards
  • Faculty Chairs & Fellowships
  • Community Welfare
  • Infrastructure Upgrades
  • Research & Development Facilities
These initiatives and programs directly impact the institute by improving the student's Living and Learning experience, providing financial aid to underprivileged students, supporting Faculty Initiatives and strengthening the Research & Innovation Ecosystem at IITK. This year promises new beginnings and opportunities and have already generated 50+ Faculty Chairs, 15+ Faculty Fellowships, 70+ Student Awards and 150+ Student Scholarships.

Your generosity, no matter how large or small, to giving back to your alma mater, has always played an important part in fostering the Institute's culture of excellence. Your Class of 1973 has empowered our students by offering many financial support initiatives. Notable among these initiatives, the Class of 1973 Scholarships , have made a big difference to the recipients by encouraging creativity and providing great educational opportunities.

In your Golden Jubilee year of graduation, please continue your amazing support for all these initiatives. The increase in the corpus of Class of 1973 contributions, will go a long way in supporting the education of more students. We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate your selfless patronage from the bottom of our hearts.

Wall of Donors

Heartfelt Gratitude

Donations In Transit