Institute New Award

The award can be named after either the donor or any other person that the donor may decide. A separate ledger page is maintained in Dean R & A Office for each award donation.

A Utilization Report is sent to all donors at the end of the financial year by the Dean, R & A Office to inform about the financial status of endowment and the name of the recipient students/faculty/staff.

As per the Institute norms 4% of the interest earnings of the award endowment (approx. two third of interest earning) is utilized for award. The excess interest earned (after deducting the award amount) is added to the endowment to be used to cover drop in interest rates, inflation and growth in future.

Procedure for Instituting an Award:

  • The Academic Senate of the institute is the authorized body to approve the student award. Approval of Board of Governors (BOG) is required for Faculty award.

  • As soon as the donation and details for creating an award are received in the Institute, the proposal is sent to Senate through Chairman, Senate Scholarship and Prize Committee (SSPC) (in case of student award) or to BOG (in case of Faculty award) for approval of the award. The award is announced after getting approval from the Academic Senate/Board of Governors.
Enquiry Form For Instituting New Award

Endowment required for instituting student award on perpetual basis:

Options Total Endowment required (in Rs)
Gold Medal (to be given during Convocation) 22 Karat 15,00,000
Gold Medal (to be given during Convocation) 18 karat 12,00,000
Silver Medal 2,00,000
Annual Cash awards of various denominations are available starting Rs. 25,000 with a Certificate 6,25,000

  • In case the donor wants to institute a gold medal or silver medal of specific weight and purity, the endowment money required can be worked out accordingly based on the cost of the medal.

  • The weight of the Silver and Gold medal will be decided according to prevailing market rate

Criteria for Awards

Based On Criteria
  • Graduating MBA student
  • Highest CPI
  • Graduating M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering) student
  • Specialization in Power Electronics and drives
  • All rounder graduating M. Tech./MBA (IME)
  • All rounder graduating female
  • M.Tech./MBA/M.Des./MSR