Fellows of the Indian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Rajiv Sinha
Dept. of Earth Sciences

Dr. Nitin Saxena
Dept. of CSE

Dr. Amit Dutta
Dept. of Physics
Faculty Chairs
Faculty Chairs are instituted through the generous donations of our alumni and well-wishers. These Chairs are set up to recognize the outstanding achievements of our faculty who have conducted some ground-breaking research their areas thus facilitating their research.

Prof. Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh
Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
was awarded the NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award in Physical Science, 2020.

Prof. Ranjit Kumar Ray
Former faculty, MME
was selected for the INAE Outstanding Teachers Awardee 2020 for his outstanding contributions to teaching and research in the area of MME and for mentoring students in innovation & research activities.

Dr. Ritwij Bhowmik
Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences & Design Programme
was awarded the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Academic & Professional Excellence Fellowships 2020-21.

Prof. S. N. Tripathi
Dept. of Civil Engineering
was selected for the J C Bose Fellowship, granted by Science & Engineering Board for his outstanding performance in the area of Air Quality & Climate Change.

Prof. Vinod K. Singh
Dept. of Chemistry
received the TWAS Regional Award - 2020 for Building Scientific Institutions.

Dr. Sudhir Jain
Currently the Director of IIT Gandhinagar
was elected as the Foreign Member of National Academy of Engineering, USA for leadership in Earthquake Engineering in developing countries.

Prof. S.C. Srivastava
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
got appointed as the Director of the IIT Kanpur – La Trobe University Research Academy. IITK-La Trobe University Research Academy has been set up to create a globally recognised centre for research.

Prof. Priyanka Ghosh
Dept. of Civil Engineering
got appointed as the Academic Program Director for the IITK-La Trobe University Research Academy.

Prof. Sandeep Verma
Dept. of Chemistry
was selected for the prestigious A.V. Rama Rao Technology Award 2021, instituted by CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology in collaboration with AVRA Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.