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A biannually update on everything happening in
Materials Advantage @ IITK.

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Newsletter 2021 - Issue 1
Newsletter 2021 - Issue 2

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Charge Handover Ceremony
Materials Camp

From 3 to 6 May 2024, Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur held a "Materials Camp". The "Materials Camp" drew 37 students and nine teachers from nine Kanpur schools. As the event began online, ASM International Senior Vice President and Trustee Dr. Navin Manjooran stressed the importance of materials in today's world. The four-day event features talks by Prof. Niraj M Chawake, Prof. Kaushik Chattopadhay, Prof. Anish Upadhyaya, Prof. Kantesh Balani, and Prof. Kallol Mondal to provide a holistic view of materials science and engineering. ACMS, MSE@ IITK labs, and DMSRDE in Kanpur were visited by students. MS Shruti and Mr Shiven demonstrated an LED TV live at the event. Mr. Pradeep Goyal, President of ASM International, interacted with schoolchildren online on May 5. MA@IIT K thanks Mr. Shiven, Ms. Pooja Rani, Ms. Shruti Dubey Chawake, Mr. Kuwar P Singh, Mr. Murli, Dr. Deepak, and the MSE IITK, ACMS, and Virtual.

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