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Charge Handover Ceremony
Charge hand-over ceremony 2024-25

The charge hand-over ceremony took place on 12 July 2024. During the event, the outgoing office bearers of 2023-24 formally transferred their responsibilities to the newly appointed office bearers of 2024-25. This ceremonial act signifies the official transition of duties and the commencement of the new office bearers' tenure.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Souvenir for MA@IITK members

The MA@ IITK team would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all material advantage IIT Kanpur members for their consistent support and enthusiastic participation in all the events that took place during the academic year 2023–2024. For the special occasion, we invited Prof. Kallol Mondal (Head MSE) and Prof. Kantesh Balani (Faculty Advisor MA@IITK) to present souvenirs to students and staff who have supported us.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Materials Camp

From 3 to 6 May 2024, Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur held a "Materials Camp". The "Materials Camp" drew 37 students and nine teachers from nine Kanpur schools. As the event began online, ASM International Senior Vice President and Trustee Dr. Navin Manjooran stressed the importance of materials in today's world. The four-day event features talks by Prof. Niraj M Chawake, Prof. Kaushik Chattopadhay, Prof. Anish Upadhyaya, Prof. Kantesh Balani, and Prof. Kallol Mondal to provide a holistic view of materials science and engineering. ACMS, MSE@ IITK labs, and DMSRDE in Kanpur were visited by students. MS Shruti and Mr Shiven demonstrated an LED TV live at the event. Mr. Pradeep Goyal, President of ASM International, interacted with schoolchildren online on May 5. MA@IIT K thanks Mr. Shiven, Ms. Pooja Rani, Ms. Shruti Dubey Chawake, Mr. Kuwar P Singh, Mr. Murli, Dr. Deepak, and the MSE IITK, ACMS, and Virtual.

Charge Handover Ceremony

For the first time, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur has organized a two-day NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF RESEARCH SCHOLARS ON METALLURGY AND MATERIALS in collaboration with Material Advantage @IITK, IIM, and MatSoc on March 9 and 10, 2024. The event was organized by MSE students and included a variety of events such as oral and poster presentations. Over 100 students from IITs, NITs, and premier institutes across India attended the symposium.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Nano-microscale testing of thermoplastically formed pillars and atomically smooth bulk metallic glasses by Dr. amit datye

MA@IITK organized at talk on “Nano-microscale testing of thermoplastically formed pillars and atomically smooth bulk metallic glasses” by Dr. Amit Datye. Dr. Datye is currently an Associate Research Scientist in Yale University's Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science.

Charge Handover Ceremony

MA @IITK and AIST collaborated to organize a discussion about the latest steel trends and the many opportunities that students can take advantage of at AIST. We were also able to make the pizza part happen thanks to a grant of up to $150. The attendees savored the flavorful pizza after the event ended.

Charge Handover Ceremony
New year dinner BY FACULTY ADVISOR

The MA faculty adviser, Prof. Kantesh Balani sponsored an annual treat to post-graduate and undergraduate students, non-teaching staff, research associates from the laboratory for biomaterials, and MA members. This was the new year dinner with the faculty advisor, his family, and the Material Advantage family from IITK. The guests had a fantastic dinner at Kanpur's Barbeque Nation. The Faculty Advisor, Material Advantage @ IITK thanked all current members for their involvement in the IITK chapter and encouraged future participation

Charge Handover Ceremony
MA@IITK's plantation drive 2023

For the 2023 membership drive's closing ceremony, MA@IITK planned a plantation event. We planned a joyous occasion to plant saplings of various fruit trees like mango, guava, custard apple, etc. With the help of our volunteers, the MA@ IITK team was able to successfully plant over twenty trees in four of the institute's dorms. The event was a huge success thanks to everyone's enthusiastic participation.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Talk on “How to write a Research Paper”

Material Advantage. On October 14, 2023, IIT Kanpur hosted a "How to Write a Paper" session. Professor Dr. Kantesh Balani has discussed the recipe for writing research papers. Prof. Balani emphasizes the need to prepare your own story for the paper. Analyze your data (arguments), present novel aspects and justify them, use effective affirmative and discussion, and reach the correct and convincing conclusion(s) (PAPER). The talk was very informative and interactive, particularly for those with research backgrounds; over 53 students and others attended.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Workshop on indexing of diffraction patterns by Prof Niraj Chawake

Many materials scientists use the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) for characterization. Professor Niraj M. Chawake led a hands-on workshop on indexing diffraction patterns. The speaker began the workshop by talking about reciprocal space, zone axes, symmetry, and other concepts. In addition, the manual indexing of the diffraction pattern with ImageJ was discussed. Over 50 students from various disciplines attended the event, including material sciences, physics, and chemical engineering.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Talk on "Understanding Crystallographic texture using MTEX software”

MA@IIT Kanpur held a “MTEX” workshop on October 10, 2023, a MATLAB toolbox for analyzing and modeling crystallographic textures using EBSD data, as part of its fall membership drive. A large number of Materials Science and Engineering students, as well as Physics and Mechanical Engineering students, attended the workshop to learn about this interdepartmental core research tool. Dr. Mirtunjay Kumar, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Sheffield and PhD graduate of IIT Kanpur, successfully led the workshop on grain reconstruction and software interface familiarization.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Celebrations of International Non-Violence Day with Prayas

On October 5, 2023, MA@IITK held a social service event where they gave the kids of Prayas school supplies. During this event, IITK students raised money for a charity. A lot of IIT Kanpur students have offered to give money to this event. There were 90 students at Prayas. Each one got a notebook, a pencil case, and some snacks (mazza and samosa). Putting together this event for the kids was a lot of fun for the MA team.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Materials Science premier league (MSSL-S1)

First and second October 2023 saw MA@IITK and MatSoc host the Materials Science Sports League (MSSL-S1) event. We organized volleyball, badminton, and cricket for the event. Over 40 students and faculty have played badminton, about 40 matches. Six volleyball teams competed. The final match was played with the department faculty members squad of professors. All MSE IITK students, staff and professors enthusiastically participated, making the event a success. We thank Prof Shikar Mishra and Prof Kantesh Balani for their support.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Talk on Machine learning in Materials Science

MA@IITK hosted an intriguing talk on machine learning in materials applications on September 28th. Dr. Anurag Bajpai, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design at the Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung GmbH in Düsseldorf, Germany, uses machine learning for phase prediction. The event covered machine learning basics, classification, clustering, and CNN. Over 20 students from various departments participated in this interactive event.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Introductory Talk on Material Advantage & Membership drive 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 MA@IITK introduction was held on September 20. Parthadwaj hosted. MA@IITK Vice Chair Miss Pooja discussed Material Advantage and its affiliates ASM International, AIST, ACerS, and TMS. From educational resources to conference travel grants, highlighted overall benefits. Harsha then discussed AIST's student activities. Membership benefits and scholarships were discussed by Suraj and Murli. Kunwar Pratap Singh and Ravi launched MA website and social media.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Bonding Eve – Freshers Event

On August 14, MA@IITK hosted a fun event called “Bonding Eve” for newly admitted Y23 PGs to interact with the Y22 batch and build a professional network. The MA team and all participants were introduced to start the event. Memory game, material science Pictionary, and enact the phenomenon were used to build team spirit. The event's interest attracted 40+ participants and contributed to good participant interaction.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Workshop on "Characterization of Coating Materials"

Industry must engage with students and participate in order to understand one another's challenges. MA@IIT K collaborated with Anton Paar, Department of MSE (IITK), IIM (Kanpur Chapter), and INYAS to host a workshop. The workshop included a brief presentation as well as hands-on training in tribology, nanoindentation, Calotest coating thickness tests and Scratch Test. More than 30 students interacted with the speakers during the event.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Materials Camp

Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur has organised “Materials Camp" at IIT Kanpur in collaboration with the American Society for Metals (ASM) International Kanpur Chapter, the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) Kanpur Chapter, and the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Kanpur Chapter. The "Materials Camp" attracted 38 students and nine teachers from nine Kanpur schools (including DPS Azad Nagar, DPS Kalyanpur, Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir, Kendriya Vidyalaya IIT Kanpur, and others). Shri Pradeep Goyal, Senior Vice President of ASM International, graced the event with his online presence for the event's inauguration on May 6, 2023, and emphasized the importance of materials in today's world. The workshop was designed to include both talks and live demonstrations. Prof. Niraj Chawake spoke on "Classification of materials," and Prof. Kantesh Balani spoke on "Looking into materials." The event also included laboratory visits to SEM, Physical Metalurgy, Surface Tribology, and characterization, as well as orientation with a virtual SEM on Virtual Lab. MA@IIT K is grateful to Mrs. Shruti Dubey, Mrs. Pooja Rani, Mr. Murli, Mr Shiven, and the staff of the MSE IITK and Virtual Lab departments.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Industrial visit to Anod Plasma

We organised an industrial visit to Anod Plasma as part of the Materials Camp event. The highlight of the day was an industrial visit to Anod Plasma Spraying, where students and faculty learned about the various surface modification techniques used in industry. Throughout the event, Shri Ritik Tandon and Shri Viraj Tandon assisted in explaining the importance of surface preparation- sand blasting- and demonstrating atmospheric plasma spraying. Students were able witness the changes in the surfaces of the samples after various processes. The event drew more than 40 students and 10 faculty members.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Souvenir for members of MA @ IIT K

Team MA@ IITK would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all the members of material advantage IIT Kanpur for their consistent support and enthusiastic participation in all of the events that took place over the course of the academic year 2022-2023. We handed out the souvenirs to all of the over 30 members as a token of our affection for them, and each of the members expressed their gratitude for receiving one.

Charge Handover Ceremony
BIS Launch Workshop on Standardization & Conformity Assessment

Material Advantage in collaboration with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Advanced Centre for Materials Science, and the INAE Kanpur chapter, IITK Kanpur hosted a workshop on "Standardisation & Conformity Assessment." Mr. Jayanta Roy Chowdary (consultant BIS) spoke at the event about BIS's contributions, the Standards National Action Plan, and opportunities for IIT Kanpur students, scholars, and faculty. The four-hour event was highly interactive between students, faculty, and officials. More than 50 students participated in the event.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Faculty advisor's dinner with MA@IITK

MA faculty adviser gave an annual treat to post-graduate and under-graduate students, non-teaching staff, research associate of the laboratory for biomaterials, and MA members. This was a casual dinner with the faculty advisor, his family, and the Material Advantage family at IITK. The guests enjoyed an excellent dinner at Kanpur's NH 91. The Faculty Advisor, Material Advantage @ IITK thanked all current members for being a part of the IITK chapter and encouraged future participation.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Rietveld Refinement - Unlocking the Secrets of Crystalline Materials

MA @ IITK organized an event on Rietveld Refinement - Unlocking the Secrets of Crystalline Materials. The speaker of the event is Dr Gagan Kumar Goyal who is currently the post doc at Penn State University. Rietveld refinement is performed on the diffraction data of powder/ bulk of crystalline materials. The event covers basic of the Rietveld, simulating the diffraction pattern and concluded with demonstration using FullProf software. Students have interacted with the speaker on the collection and interpretation of XRD data of the materials. More 20 students have actively participated in the event.

Charge Handover Ceremony
AIST pizza party

MA@IIT K received a "Pizza Grant" for the chapter meeting on December 21, 2022. Mr. Anandhakrishna addressed the student community with AIST steel to student training programs, Young Professional and Student Mentorship Program, Student resume coaching, and other AIST resources the students about opportunities in the steel industry as well as AIST as a society (grants, scholarships, opportunities, and so on). Over 35 students attended the gathering, which allowed them to network and share their experiences.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Children’s Day Celebration

The Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur chapter paid a visit to PRAYAS IIT Kanpur on November 14th (Children's Day). Children's Day is observed on the anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's birth. The team interacted with the students at the school and had a great time with them. More than 37 students and 10 MA members took part in the event.

MA@IITK wins Most Creative Recruitment Strategies prize for the Fall 2022 Membership Challenge

We are happy to inform you that the Material Advantage Chapter at IIT Kanpur has awarded the Most Creative Recruitment Strategies prize for the Fall 2022 Membership Challenge. This year, ~26 new members joined MA@IITK and ~28 existing members renewed their membership. We managed to retain more than 50% existing members and recruited about 50% new members.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Plantation Drive

Closing of membership drive MA@IIT Kanpur was done by the plantation event. As we all are aware about the importance of plant in our life. MA members shows their enthusiasm for this and joined us for plantation drive.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Evolution of CFD as reliable and Efficient tool

Material Advantage @IIT Kanpur organized a session on "Evolution of CFD as reliable and Efficient tool" on 15 October. We had an experience speaker Mr. Nilesh.Gandhi works at Reliance Industries as Group Lead, Modelling & Reaction Engineering. Mr Gandhi more than 20+ years of industrial experience and working with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The speaker shared the evolution of the CFD since 1995 to present and its applications in various industries such as aerospace, automobiles to bio chemical. Later, highlighted discussed on the importance in mixing in chemical industries, heat transfer in boilers and phase separation in cyclone separator.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Lab Visit (BPCL and SEM)

Material Advantage IIT Kanpur chapter organized an outreach event for the students of CSJM Kanpur. The event was done in collaboration with the department of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. The students have visited the Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM) and Biomaterial processing and Characterization (BPCL)facilities of Dept. of MSE in IIT Kanpur. The facilities were demonstrated by trained PhDstudents of IIT Kanpur. Student’s understandings expanded with the visit, esp. the SEM facility which they had studied in the class few weeks ago. Several other facilities were shown to the students in the Laboratory for Biomaterials.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Placement Talk

As placement season approaches, Material Advantage at IIT K held an interactive session with alumni during their fall membership drive on 12 Oct. The interactive session has speakers Ms. Shruti Srivastava (HSBC) and Mr. Jatin Jain (HFCL) which is moderated by Mr. Shiven. Both have been part of the placement team during their masters. Speakers openly discussed their perspectives on placement-related starting from pattern of exam to strategies for core and analytics companies.

Charge Handover Ceremony
LaTeX Workshop

MA@ IIT K has organized a workshop LaTeX for the students of IIT Kanpur as part of the membership drive. LaTeX is the most common document preparation of software. The workshop covered from structure of basic document, loading and using packages, inserting math equations, citations and bibliography etc. In this event more than 100 students have participated from various departments.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Treasure Hunt

With over 70 registrations, the current event drew a lot of attention from the student fraternity. The event was then divided into three levels, with the first round consisting of a quiz. The quiz consisted of questions covering the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, and materials science. In the final round, we have a fun event planned in which students are challenges were majorly related to material Advantage and its societies.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Workshop on MATLAB

Material advantage of IIT Kanpur has organised a workshop on "Scientific computing using MATLAB" as part of the Fall membership drive on 8 October. In the event the MATLAB was covered from the basics such as arrays, loop, plotting etc. The speaker Mr. Yogendra Jaiswara is a PhD student from dept. of Physics in IIT Kanpur. Current event drew 100+ participants from various departments and programs of IIT Kanpur.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Industrial Visit to Espin nanotech Pvt Ltd

MA@IITK provided IITK students the opportunity of visiting E-spin Pvt. Ltd (makers of Swasa N95 masks) on 30th September as a part of the membership drive 2023.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Lecture of former professor 'Dr. Ranjit Kumar Ray'

Prof. Ranjit Kumar Ray, a former professor of the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur enlightened us with a lecture titles Unravelling Misconceptions between Morphological and Crystallographic Texture as a part of the membership drive 2023. (flyer)

Charge Handover Ceremony
Photoshoot for MA team 2022-23

A photoshoot for the MA core team was conducted in the presence of faculty mentor Prof. Kantesh Balani

Charge Handover Ceremony
Outreach event at CSJM University

Material Advantage IIT Kanpur organized an outreach event at Chatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University Kanpur. The speaker are Ph.D. research scholars from IIT Kanpur.The discussion topics were "Fundamentals of scanning electron microsopy" by Murli Manohar, "Understanding crystals using XRD" Mr. Md Aman and "Life of Research Scholor" by Mr. Sawan Dubey. The session began with a presentation, which was followed by student Q&A. This was an interactive event with over 30 attendees that lasted 1 hour.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Engineers Day was celebration with PRAYAS (15 Sept 2022)

MA@IITK chapter celebrated Engineers Day with PRAYAS IIT Kanpur students this year. The goal of this event was to put a smile on the faces of future engineers, specifically Prayas students. Prayas is an IIT Kanpur student-led initiative that aims to educate marginalised children in and around IIT Kanpur. All willing students were asked to contribute. 85 students received gifts (copies, pens, and chocolates). It was a very happy moment when it became clear that the MA@IIT Kanpur chapter was the source of these happy faces.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Membership Drive 2022-23: Introduction to MA@IITK

The Material Advantage Membership Drive 2022-23 was kickstarted by introducing MA@IITK to the ethusiastic participants. The attendees were debreifed aboout details, membership discounts and advantages of being an MA member. Past member and ex-Chair Ms. Shruti Dubey narrated her exoeriences as an MA member and an ASM board member. Snacks were served. (flyer)

Charge Handover Ceremony
Interaction with Industry: Manufacturing Challenges in Indian Defence Industry

An enlightening talk on Manufacturing Challenges in Indian Defence Industry was held as a part of the Interaction with Industry series by Ayush Verma sir, HoD, Welding and Metallurgy, L&T Defence, Pune. The interactive session benefitted all the attendees.

MA@IITK wins Chapter of Excellence Award

Our chapter is a winner of a Chapters of Excellence award for the 2021-2022 Chapter of Excellence Award year. All Chapters of Excellence awards will be presented and announced at MS&T during the Awards Presentation (in Pittsburgh, PA on October 11, 2022 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center on the show floor from 1 PM – 2 PM). In addition to an award plaque, our chapter has also won $450. The full Chapters of Excellence Report will be published on the Material Advantage website for public access.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Alum Talk: Life at IIT K

We organised an interactive session, Alum Talk: Life at IIT K with Priya Kushram who is alumni of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur [1] from the Dept. of Material Sciences. Priya Kushram completed her BT-MT (2019) from the Dept. of MSE IIT Kanpur. Later, worked as Integrity engineer in ExxonMobil [2] at Bangalore. She is currently pursuing PhD. from Washington State University [3]. The event saw participation from IITK students who benefitted from this interactive session.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Fun with Materials Science

An exciting event Fun with Materials Science was organised to welcome the Y22 PG batch of the MSE department. Meme quiz, pictionary for metallurgy and more fun games were played by the juniors and seniors together.

Charge Handover Ceremony
X-tended Class talk series

To kick off the new semester, Material Advantage @IIT Kanpur organised an enthralling lecture as a part of our X-tended Class talk series on Atom Probe Tomography by Prof. Gouthama (Dept. of MSE, IIT Kanpur) which was attended by an enthusiastic crowd of students.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Hunting The Elements

Material Advantage @IIT Kanpur organized an exciting 'member's exclusive' social event. The documentary 'Hunting The Elements' was screened and refreshments were served. It enlightened us on nature's building blocks (elements) and the hidden ingredients of everything in our world- from carbon in human bodies to metals in smartphones. The documentary was enjoyed by members of MA@IITK and our Professor Gouthama.

Charge Handover Ceremony
Charge Handover Ceremony

The newly appointed Core Team for the year 2022-23 took charge of the Material Advantage IITK chapter at a formal charge handover ceremony in IIT Kanpur in the presence of our Faculty Mentor, Professor Kantesh Balani. The work done by the outgoing team was appreciated and they were felicitated with certificates by Prof. Balani. Best wishes to the new core team to sustain and enhance the current standing of MA@IITK.

 Interaction with Alums : Life at IITK and Beyond
Patent First, Publish Later by Ravi Pandey

MA has organized a webinar on “Patent First, Publish Later” by Mr. Ravi Pandey an expert in managing IP & Technology Transfer at SIIC, IIT Kanpur, having over 9 years of experience in IP Management, Policy development, and Start-up Incubation. In this talk, the speaker disseminated the nuances of filing a Patent application at IIT Kanpur. The speakers take several case studies and provides wealth of knowledge on publishing patents and alongside with the advantages of patenting before publishing.

Understanding Lecture – 15 vs 21 vs 45
Understanding Lecture – 15 vs 21 vs 45

MA@IITK has celebrated India’s 73rd Republic Day on 26 January 2022 virtually with gaiety and fervor. Event was conducted in collaboration with the ASM International India chapter. On this day Prof. Rajesh Prasad (IITD) hoised the flag virtually and gave a talk on 15 vs. 21 vs. 45: A journey into the world of anisotropic elastic properties. The event drew 140+ participants from all over India from various departments and colleges.

Interaction with Alums : Life at IITK and Beyond
Interaction with Alums : Life at IITK and Beyond

MA has organized an interactive session with an alumnus of the department, Prof. Arvind Agarwal. Prof. Agarwal shared his experiences from the institute and interacted with students helping them with advice on selecting fields for research and higher studies abroad. The event lasted for 2 hrs. and has attracted over 30+ students.

Shri Pradeep Goyal: ASM Distinguished Life Member and Fellow
Meeting Shri Pradeep Goyal: ASM Distinguished Life Member and Fellow

MA@IITK organized an interaction session with Pradeep Goyal, an entrepreneur and a 78’ Alumnus and graduate from MIT. Mr. Goyal interacted with students and talked about his life at IIT Kanpur, how he decided to make his carrier in metallurgy, what motivates him to move to India from U.S. Around 30+ students have attended the session and the session lasted for more than an hour.

Most Creative Recruitment Strategies prize for the Fall 2021 Membership Challenge won by Material Advantage at IITK
Material Advantage @ IITK wins "Most Creative Recruitment Strategies prize for the Fall 2021 Membership Challenge"

Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur has won the "Most Creative Recruitment Strategies prize for the Fall 2021 Membership Challenge" and has recievied US$500 as prize money.

Find a leader in you by Prof. Kantesh Balani
Talk : Find a leader in you

On 15 of October, an inspirational and interactive session was organized by material advantage IIT Kanpur on title “Find a leader in you.” Dr. Kantesh Balani shared thoughts for the day, a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur. The talk highlighted the qualities one should possess or inculcate to become a leader. The speaker drew examples from prominent leaders such as Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, decoding the traits of a leader. Also, an interactive event was held with four volunteers to demonstrate that “To learn that two people are looking the something and see things differently.” More than 40 + participants have attended this life hacks session, and this session ended with answers to queries.

Workshop on LaTex
Workshop on LaTex

During the membership drive of Material Advantage @IIT Kanpur. To accommodate students with the structure and to break the phobia of writing in latex, Material Advantage @ IIT Kanpur initiated a workshop on LaTeX document writing on Oct. 12, 2021 by Rupesh Chafle (Research Scholar, Material Science and Engineering Department, IIT Kanpur). Both undergraduate as well as postgraduate students attended this workshop. 20+ participants have attended the event and it lasted for more than an hour.

Tell your Untold stories of resilience

As part of Fall Membership drive, Material Advantage at IIT Kanpur conducted an event named “Tell your untold stories of Resilience” from 04.10.21 to 8.10.21. Many students participated and shared their stories of resilience, motivation and inspiration and how they developed many creative ideas to face challenging times. All the stories posted on official Facebook group of MA@IITK Chapter. The winner announcement done on the basis of maximum number of likes, comments and share on Facebook page. Membership discount and Prize was given to the Winner.

Outreach Event ACMS - Mechanical Testing
Outreach Event ACMS - Mechanical Testing

On 4th October , Material Advantage IIT Kanpur chapter organized an outreach event in collaboration with Advanced center for Material sciences(ACMS) IIT Kanpur. The speaker Mr.Anup Raut is currently Technical Superindet of ACMS IIT Kanpur. Session was a virtual demonstration of various Mechanical tests that are performed in the Mechanical Testing laboratory. The virtual demonstration consisted of Tension/ compression , shear, fatigue, creep , charpy impact on different materials and sizes. Over 100+ participants from various departments and programs from colleges spread across India attended the event.

Lecture on Urban Mining and Sustainability of metals
Lecture on Urban Mining and Sustainability of metals

On 2nd October 2021, Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, Vice-Chancellor of VIT Bhopal University, ASM Board of Trustee and formerly Distinguished Scientist, Chief Executive, and Chairman of Heavy Water Board, Mumbai delivered a special Lecture on “Urban Mining and Sustainability of metals” on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. Towards the end the results for the “Two Minutes to Pitch-Lightning Talk” which was organized by MA@IITK in association with ASM International, India Chapter from 22nd to 28th September was declared. Over 60+ participants from various departments and programs from different engineering colleges of India have joined the session along with some board members of the ASM, India chapter.

Two-minute to Pitch-Lightning Talk

Material advantage @ IIT Kanpur organized a National event named “Two-minute to Pitch-Lightning Talk” in collaboration with ASM International India chapter from 22 to 28 Sept 2021. The topic for the presentation was based on “Material Charkha“ which was symbolic to the upcoming Gandhi Jayanti. The entries were judged on its different categories of structure, processing, performance and properties. Freshmen and graduates were graded separately. This national event drew participants from various institutes around India where the participants shared their ideas by sending pre-recorded presentation videos that lasted for 2 min. The winners of the events were declared on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd of October by Dr. U Kamachi Mudali.

  • PG category Winner : Mr. Ashok Allamula (Research Scholar, IIT Madras, India)
  • Runner Up : Mr. Adarsha Ranjan Mishra (M.Tech, IIT Kharagpur, India)

Workshop on OOF2
Workshop on OOF2

MA@IITK has conducted an online session on the basics of OOF2, from software installation to sample examples. The speaker Jitin Nair has prepared the recorded videos for the event, and registered participants on youtube accessed published material. The playlist comprised a series of videos describing the importance of the OOF2 tool in analyzing the microstructures for various properties such as thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc. The background for solving is using finite element modeling, where we share inputs of features in the micrograph with their bulk properties and solve. They attracted more than 60+ participants from various departments in IITK.

Interactive session on Interview & Communication skills for career
Interactive session on Interview & Communication skills for career success

On the 20th of September, Material advantage has organized a workshop on Interview and Communication skills. We had an energetic speaker Ajay Prakash Mishra works at KOAK education and is commonly known as ‘COACH APM’. The speaker mentored students on acing the interviews and improve one communication skills. The event drew a lot of student participation not only from the material science departments but also from other departments of IITK. The event lasted for 2 hrs, with more than 100 attendees.

Unveiling of Fall Membership Drive 2021-2022
Introduction to MA@IITK & Unveiling Membership Drive

On 19th September 2021, Prof. Kantesh Balani, Faculty Advisor, MA@IITK unveiled Material Advantage Fall Membership drive 2021-22 and gave an introductory talk briefing about material advantage and the tremendous growth of MA@ IIT Kanpur chapter has been seeing at a global scale. Following the talk, the Core team members of MA@IITK introduced themselves and briefed their experience of being associated with it, and shared their vision for Material advantage. The audience were introdcued to the events that have been planned during the memebership drive by Ms. Shruti Dubey Chair MA@IITK.

Outreach event Short Talk and Quiz
Outreach event “Short Talk and Quiz”

MA @ IIT Kanpur conducted an interactive panel discussion and quiz for the MSME students of Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj University Kanpur on August 28, 2021. The discussion topics such as “The Thermodynamics of pressure cooking” by Mr. Rupesh Chafle (PhD, MSE-IITK), “Functionally graded materials” by Ms. Shipra Bajpai (PhD, MSE-IITK), and “Introduction to X-Rays and X-Ray Diffraction” by Ms. Rubia Hassan (PhD, MSE-IITK). After the discussion session, MA @ IIT Kanpur organized an online quiz. The quiz had multiple choice questions from the discussion session. Around 32 students participated in the quiz. The quiz was evaluated by MA members and results were declared after the quiz was over. Top three positions were awarded based on the score in quiz. The winners were provided with discounted memberships for becoming members of the Material Advantage along with certificates of merit.

  • Winner: Ujjwal, UIET Kanpur
  • 1st Runner Up: Saurav, UIET Kanpur
  • 2nd Runner Up: Praveen Soni, UIET Kanpur
Congratulations to the winners!.

Logo Design Competetion
We have a new logo!

Thank you all for your participation in the Logo design competition. The results of the logo design competetion are as follows:

  • Winner : Ayush Azad (B.Tech, MSE)
  • 1st Runner Up : Yashvardhan Rathore (B.Tech, MSE)
  • 2nd Runner Up : Sarika Yadav (PhD, MSP) and Govind B (Staff, MSE)
Congratulations to the winners!.

Revive Mother Earth Competetion
Revive Mother Earth Contest - Results

Thank you all for your participation in the "Revive Mother earth" competition organized by MA@IITK. Through this competition, I would like to acknowledge your contribution towards reviving mother nature. The results of the photography event are as follows:

Congratulations to the winners!.

Ms. Shruti's selection as ASM board member!

Shruti Dubey has been selected as the ASM student board member for a 1-year tenure. She will be representing not only IIT Kanpur but, will also be a national representative for Material science student community to provide insights and ideas to the ASM board.

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Charge Handover Ceremony

On 25th May 2021, a meeting was conducted to finalize the appointment with current core team members along with the Faculty Advisor, and on 1st June 2021, a charge handover ceremony was conducted with the appointed members so as to formally take up the positions in the executive team of MA@IITK 2021-22.

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Ms. Shruti's selection as ACerS PCSA Student Delegate!

Shruti Dubey has been selected as a delegate of President's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) for the term 2021-22. PCSA is the student-led committee of American Ceramic Society (ACerS) responsible for representing student interests to ACerS and its subsidiary committees, divisions, sections, and classes. The PCSA is the primary face of ACerS to ceramics and materials science students. This recognition of Ms. Shruti as PCSA, the student leadership council within The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), is rare honor to represent the subcontinent.

MatAd Quiz

Material Advantage IITK organized a quiz on materials science named "MatAd Quiz" on April 10,2021. Each team were asked 10 multiple choice questions, which were prepared by participated oponent teams. A total of 21 teams registered for the same and as per the guidelines, maximum 3 students were permitted to participate in each team.

The event was hosted by MA chair Ms. Shruti Dubey and it lasted for around 2 hours. This quiz was sponsored by "The Chocolate Room" IIT Kanpur outlet. The list of the prize winners are:
  • Winner - Team Martensite (Raghunath Jha, Vaibhav Malik and Abhishek Kumar)
  • 1st Runner Up - Team Quiz Warriors (Shantanu Deshmukh, Deepanshu Verma, Pallob Mondal)
  • 2nd Runner Up - Team Thunder Gods (Pooja Kumari, Monikuntala Bhattacharya, Sanjukta Mukherjee)
  • Best Questions set - Matech (Rubia Hassan, Divya Rana) and Technocrats (Akash Yadav, Shubh Sanket Panda)