
The course work consists of a set of required courses covering the basic concepts of nuclear science and engineering, experimental techniques and a set of electives that may be taken from within or outside of the Programme. Some of the courses are listed below



NT 612 Reactor Physics

NT 602 Nuclear and Reactor Physics

NT 611 Nuclear Power Engineering I

NT 614 Nuclear Power Engineering II

NT 615 Nuclear Power Engineering III

NT 621 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory

NT 631 Neutron Transport Theory

NT 632 Radioisotope Application in Engineering

NT 633 Nuclear Fusion

NT 634 Nuclear Reaction and Interaction of Radiation with Matter

NT 641 Introduction to Computerized Tomography

NT 642 Nondestructive Evaluation

NT 651 Fast Reactor Technology

NT 652 Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Contents)

NT 661 Nuclear Reactor Safety

ME 681 Mathematical Methods in Engineering