SynchroWave Archiver® : SynchroWave Archiver is a proprietary software to archive data received by the PDC or sent by the PMU, in to the required database format.
- Following data formats are supported by SEL-5076 SynchroWave Archiver,
- Comtrade
- Zipped
- Supports IEEE C37.118 – 2005.
- Facilitates to create data files with 10sec to 24hrs duration. Also facilitates to create data files of specific size (in kB).
- It can store phasor data in polar, rectangular, or both the formats.
SynchorWave Console® : SynchroWave Console is a proprietary software, used for viewing the various phasor quantities sent by Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) or stored in the PDC.
Key features:
- Provides streaming plots and charts based on real-time synchrophasor data.
- Displays line angle across a critical section of the transmission system.
- Plots frequency at a sample rates up to 60 per second.
- Compatible with IEEE C37.118-2005 protocol.
- Displays phasors, digitals and sampled analog signals.
Few screenshots of the software features:

PSCAD/EMTDC is a general-purpose time domain simulation program for multi-phase power systems and control networks.It is mainly dedicated to the study of transients in power systems.A full library of advanced components allows a user to precisely model interactions between electrical networks and loads in various configurations. A graphical user interface and numerous control tools make PSCAD a convenient and interactive tool for both analysis and design of any power system.
PSCAD seamlessly integrated visual environment features all aspects of conducting a simulation, including circuit assembly, run-time control, analysis and reporting. Users can easily interact with the components during the simulation because of the variety of control tools. The solution meters and the plotting traces are also visible and available during the simulation. Signals can be analysed in real time.
PSCAD features a broad range of models for power system and power electronic studies such as:
- Frequency dependent transmission lines and cables,
- Transformers (classical model with saturation/Umec model)
- Various machines, (synchronous, asynchronous, DC)
- Various turbines (hydro, steam, wind),
- Converters & FACTS,
- Drive & control blocks,
- Relays.
The time steps interpolation technique combines accuracy and quickness: it allows the simulation to precisely represent the commutations of breakers and switches in the electrical model, for any model’s size, up to extremly large models. PSCAD results are solved as instantaneous values, and can be converted to phasor magnitudes and angles via built-in transducers and measurement functions such as true-rms meters or FFT spectrum analysers. The PSCAD simulation tool can duplicate the response of a power system at any frequency, because the computation step chosen by the user can go from several nanoseconds to several seconds.
OptimisationPSCAD features multi-run capabilities, enabling a user to run a case multiple times with a set of parameters changed each time in a predetermined manner. This facility makes optimisation an easy game as the optimum results (according the criterion the users defines before) are highlighted by the software.
CustomisationCreate custom components? PSCAD features the built-in Component Workshop, the tool used to create all the Master Library components. The look of the components and the data forms are all designed graphically. It allows each user to easily create their own component library.
ApplicationsPSCAD is appropriate for any applications :
- Power lines & cables,
- Large non-linear industrial loads,
- Transformers with saturation,
- Transformers with saturation,
- Power electronic systems & drives,
- Asymmetrical faults,
- FACTS/HVDC systems,
- Protection relay coordination,
- Arc furnace flicker,
- Distributed power generation,
- Rotating machines,
- Embedded systems
DSATools is a suite of leading-edge power system analysis tools that provides the capabilities for a complete assessment of system security, including all forms of stability. DSATools offers a complete toolset for power system planning and operational studies. In addition to rich modeling capabilities and advanced computational methods, the software is packed with useful study tools that enable significant productivity improvements.
The Key Components in the suite are -
- TSAT - Transient Security Assessment Tool
- PSAT - PowerFlow and Short Circuit Assessment Tool
- SSAT - Small Signal Analysis Tool
- VSAT - Voltage Security Assessment Tool
Off-line Applications -
System design, planning, and operation studies involving:
- Thermal and Voltage decline/rise assessment
- Reactive Power Planning
- Stability assessment (transient, voltage, oscillatory, frequency)
- NERC compliancy studies
- Planning alternative assessment
- IPP and renewable integration studies
- Development, validation and calibration of system models
- Design of special protection systems
- Design,coordination,and tuning of controls
- Determination of stability limits
On-line Applications -
- Assessment of system security for current operating
- Determination of critical contingencies
- Determination of stability limits
- Recommendations for preventive/corrective control actions
- Management of renewable generation
- Verification of special protection systems
- Development, validation and calibration of system models
- Power market settlement
- Determination of active and reactive power reerves
- Scheduling of equipment maintenance
- Support for PMU/WAMS applications
- Operator training
- Calibration and validation of power system models
- Recommendations for preventive/corrective control actions
- Preparation of models for system studies
- Post-mortem analysis of incidents
- System restoration
Main Features:
- Comprehensive analysis capabilities in terms of performance criteria, including voltage stability, transient stability, small signal stability, thermal overloads, voltage decline/rise, transient voltage/frequency, and relay margins.
- Data setup and program operation with graphical user interface.
- Fast and accurate leading-edge solution engines for powerflow solution, time-domain simulations, and eigenvalue analysis.
- Support for using Python scripts for various powerflow activities.
- Capability for analyzing systems of up to 100,000 buses and 8,000 generators.
- Rich library of models for various types of studies, including network, load, generator, renewables, HVDC, FACTS, relays and protections, and user-defined modeling capabilities.
- Flexible output analysis tools.
- Compatibility with popular third-party data formats.
- Scenario-based study approach supporting analysis of multiple study conditions and contingencies.
- Highly automated analysis features, including automatic one- and two-dimensional stability limit search.
- Distributed computation for dramatically improved performance.
- Integration with energy management systems (EMS) for on-line DSA.
Power System Simulation for Engineering (PSS/E) is composed of a comprehensive set of programs for studies of power system transmission network and generation performance in both steady-state and dynamic conditions. Currently two primary simulations are used, one for steady-state analysis and one for dynamic simulations. PSS/E can be utilized to facilitate calculations for a variety of analyses, including: PSS/E can be utilized to facilitate calculations for a variety of analyses, including:
- Power flow and related network functions
- Optimal power flow
- Balanced and unbalanced faults
- Network equivalent construction
- Dynamic simulation
In addition, to the steady-state and dynamic analyses, PSS/E also provides the user with a
wide rage of auxiliary programs for installation, data input, output, manipulation and
preparation. Furthermore, one of the most basic premises of PSS/E is that the engineer can
derive the greatest benefit from computational tools by retaining intimate control over
their application.
Power Flow A power flow study (also known as load-flow study) is an important tool involving
numerical analysis applied to a power system.
The PSS/E interface supports a variety of interactive facilities including:
- Introduction, modification and deletion of network data using a spreadsheet
- Creation of networks and one-line diagrams
- Steady-state analyses (load flow, fault analysis, optimal power flow, etc.)
- Presentation of steady-state analysis results
Power Flow A power flow study (also known as load-flow study) is an important tool involving numerical analysis applied to a power system. The PSS/E interface supports a variety of interactive facilities including:
The dynamic simulation program includes all the functionality for transient, dynamic and long term stability analysis. The dynamic simulation interface is operated as a separate program, currently independent of the PSS/E interface. This can be observed when going to a PSS/E program and viewing the dynamics as a separate program. The purpose of the dynamics is to facilitate operation of all dynamic stability analytical functions. The dynamics program, in addition to supporting the dynamics activities, also continues to support the traditional load flow interface through the LOFL(Load Flow) activity. This lab will not address dynamic simulations.
PSS SINCAL provides a full unbalanced power system model for high, medium, and low voltage grids and supports yoou in the design, modelling and analysis of electrical power system as well as pipe networks. Through its modular and fully integrated design PSS SINCAL enables a high level of customization according to individual needs, making it the optimal solution for all planning tasks in the area of generation, transmission, distribution and industrial grids.
Key Features of PSS SINCAL :
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- The GIS-like GUI is particularly beneficial for small companies without a GIS system
- Handles large networks (e.g >50.000 nodes) with graphical display without delay
- The complexity of data handling is adapted to the task to be solved
- Integrated network editor and report generator (List & Labels)
- Topology / model - features like tracing, feeder evaluation etc. are possible
- Different views of the same network model (synchronized)
- Allows color coding of input data and results (Theme maps) - ISO areas
- Offers a complete set of calculations modules based on a single database "all-in-one".
- Optimized GUI for specific tasks.
- Re-uses components for a common look and feel.
- Use PSS SINCAL for the complete simulation of all kinds of networks (Gas, Water, Heating, Cooling, Electricity) and easy evaluation based on commercial databases.
- Use PSS NETOMAC for real time simulation e.g. in DSA or relay testing or for expert studies.
- Use PSS PDMS for the management of protection devices including provision of setting files for DIGSI.
- Workflow-driven system planning.
Project Mangagment
- Model management based on different databases (Microsoft Access, Oracle, SQL Server) - access from outside
- Multi-project management - maintaining models of different users in one database system
- Multi-view of the same network model (e.g. schematic, geographical, network levels or areas,theme based)
- Variants (tree structure) support planning activities and offer comparison across all scenarios (input data, results, diagrams etc.)
- “Include networks” allow temporary network linkage and re-configuration
- Multi-user project management - parallel access of authorized (login, user roles) users to the same master model with administration and trouble shooting
- “Database application” with fully open structure.
- Based on COM-server technology
- Interfaces (Adaptors) for import and export are free of charge – “open system”. This allows integration into other systems without depending on Siemens integrators
- “Engines” solution offered
- Programming can be done extensively and with standards languages (VBA, VBS, C++, .net, Python, Java,…) and no special programming language has to be learned
- The commercial database allows enhanced evaluation of results without the usage of an additional software
- Interfaces to Smart Meter Systems (MDMS) are available
Network Model
- One single network model - from simple Bus-Branch model to full substation model that adapts during simulation
- Different network model (impedance model, cost model, routing model)
- Object Oriented models support modelling from easy to very enhanced
- Can be configured for planning by time stamps, variants, include networks
- No limitations in modeling (network structure, phase modeling or frequency)
E-TAP Real Time is an intelligent Power Management System for operators, managers and engineers. E-TAP's robust and proven analysis algorithms combined with its portable and flexible foundation provides a readily available Real-Time system, comprehensive modelling environment, operator-friendly user interface, and state-of-the-art energy management applications. Solution for Real Time power management system is a faulty integrated suite of software products that provides intelligent power monitoring, energy management, system optimization and automation and Real-Time prediction applications.
E-TAP Real Time seamlessely integrates with existing metering devices, programmable logic controllers data acquisition, and archiving systems to provide the following exclusive features and capabilities :
- Advanced monitoring, simulation, and control
- Predict system response to operator actions
- Fast, optimal, and intelligent load shedding and restoration
- System optimization and automation
- DEmand Side Management
- Intelligent one-line diagrams
- Multi-dimensional database
- Time domain event playback with simulation capability
- Integrated alarm, warning, and acknowledgement
- Client - server configuration
- Built-in redundancy and automatic fail over
E-TAP Real Time applications allow operators, engineers, and managers to make more informed decisions in the critical aspects of their business by providing :
- Multi-console monitoring with multi-screen access
- Graphical monitoring via the E-TAP one line diagram
- Visual monitoring via Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
- Alarm annunciation with graphical interface
- Alert of equipment out-of-range violations
- OPC interface layer
- Continous Real Time
- On-demand data retrieval
- Data reconciliation and consistency check
- Bad data detection and correction
- Energy cost monitoring and accounting
- Real-Time load forecasting and trending
- Event Playback
DIgSILENT PowerFactory is the leading high-end tool for applications in generation, transmission, distribution and industrial systems. It is integrating all required functions, easy to use, fully Windows compatible and combines reliable and flexible system modeling capabilities with state-of-the-art algorithms and a unique database concept. Besides the stand-alone functionality, the PowerFactory engine integrates smoothly into any GIS, DMS or EMS supporting open system standards.
Supported PowerFactory Functions :
- Balanced and unbalanced power flow;
- Fault analysis;
- Harmonics, Frequency scans;
- RMS Stability;
- EMT simulations for three, two and single phase AC systems and DC systems;
- Protection simulation and co-ordination;
- Distribution, transmission and generation reliability;
- Small signal analysis (eigenvalues);
- Static and dynamic voltage stability;
- Active and reactive power dispatch;
- State estimation;
- Open tie optimization, optimal capacitor placement, cable sizing;
- Built-in automation interface (DPL),
- ODBC driver, interfaces for GIS and SCADA integration; PSS/E compatibility.
NEPLAN is a very user friendly planning and information system for electrical-, gas- and water-networks. The numbers indicate the following window features:
- Titlebar 5. Variant Manager
- Menu option bar 6. Symbol Window
- Toolbar 7. Message Window
- Workspace with diagrams and data tables 8. Status bar
Examples for the NEPLAN Dynamic Simulator Since the NEPLAN dynamic simulator is a very strong tool, allowing entering data in many different ways, we have included many examples specifically for thedynamic simulator module. Among many others we have included these IEEE benchmark systems:
- IEEE 9-Bus,
- IEEE 14-Bus
- IEEE 39-Bus
- IEEE 68-Bus
Other examples included are:
- Kundur Two-Area-System
- Nordel system
- WSCC system
- New England system
- SSR Sub-synchronous resonance benchmark (EMT simulation)
- DFIG and wind farm applications- Simple FACTS applications
- User defined modeling with C++ and MATLAB