Games Council
The responsibility of promoting Games and Sports activities among the students lies with a committee called the Games & Sports Committee.It is constituted by the Dean, Students' Affairs on the behalf of the Director and consists of the following members.The term of the Committee will normally be one year.
Games & Sports Committee:1. | Games & Sports Counsellor, Students' Gymkhana | Chairman |
2. | Chairman, Swimming Pool Management Committee | Member |
3. | One faculty member nominated by DOSA | Member |
4. | General Secretary, Games & Sports, Students' Gymkhana | Member |
5. | Nominee-1 of Students' Gymkhana | Member |
6. | Nominee-2 of Students' Gymkhana | Member |
7. | In-charge, Physical Education Section | Member-Secretary |
8. | One PTI, by rotation for one year | Member |
- To organize, control and conduct all Inter-University, Inter-IIT, State-level and other major tournaments as well as coaching camps as deemed necessary.
- To specify minimum standards for teams' participation in Inter-University, Inter-IIT, State-level and other major tournaments.
- To make necessary arrangement for procurement of sports material, sports kit and other recurring and non-recurring items needed for students.
- To plan and decide about maintenance of various playgrounds including Badminton hall, Table Tennis hall, Lawn Tennis courts and Gymnasium.
- To prepare and control the budget for all activities under its purview.
- To approve special awards on the recommendation of Games Council.
- To engage part-time coaches for the games which do not have regular coaches.
- To provide regular kit for PTI's.
- To formulate/revise TA/DA rules for students participating in various tournaments and games/sports meets.
- Shall act as Organizing Secretary or deputes a PTI as Organizing Secretary of any major tournament organized by the Institute and shall have all responsibilities of its account keeping and report preparation and submission.
- Shall be responsible for proper conduct of pre-Inter IIT Meet coaching camps, teams participation in the Meet and their accounts and reports.
- To carry on correspondence on behalf of the committee with the outside bodies, e.g. Association of Indian Universities, State/District Associations and other IIT's etc.
- To issue notices of all meetings, to record the minutes thereof, and to get the decisions implemented.
- To prepare requirements of sports material.
- To maintain the stock of all sports material and other items purchased.
- To represent the Institute as member on different sports associations of District/State.