Solid-State Circuit Design (SSCD) Lab, IIT Kanpur

 -let's talk circuits


The following faculty members work full-time on integrated circuit design.

We also have the following faculty members who have projects and students working on IC design.

Current Students

Ph.D. students

Ahtisham ul Haq Pampori 

Supervisor: Yogesh Chauhan

Research area: GaN based RF power amplifier design

Arka Chakraborty

Shubham Sahay

Research area: Approximate computing circuits

Bhogi Satya Swaroop

Supervisor: Shubham Sahay

Research area: In-memory computing circuits

Mayank Anupam

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Wideband active filters

Mohammad Zaid 

Supervisor: Yogesh Chauhan

Research area: GaN based RF LNA and power amplifier design

Mohmad Aasif Bhat 

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Compact beamforming Rx for wideband imaging; mm-wave PA

Neha Bajpai 

Supervisor: Yogesh Chauhan

Research area: RF circuit design (LNA and PA)

Pankaj Rahi

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Lossless full-duplex front-end

Salim Equbal

Supervisor: Shubham Sahay

Research area: Circuits for hardware security


Supervisor: Shubham Sahay

Research area: Mixed-signal neuromorphic circuits

Vivek Kumar Shukla

Supervisor: R.S. Ashwin Kumar

Research area: High-speed comparators

M.S students

Aakash Gupta

R. S. Ashwin Kumar &
Imon Mondal

Abhishek Kumar

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: ROIC for microbolometer FPA

Harshit Rathore

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Blocker tolerant N-path front-end

Ruchi Verma

Supervisor: Chithra

Sameer Kumar

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Switch capacitance insensitive N-path Rx

B.Tech and M.Tech. students

Ankit Bhushan

R.S. Ashwin Kumar

Ankit Sinha

R.S. Ashwin Kumar

Research area: High-speed dynamic amplifiers

Anuj Gupta

R.S. Ashwin Kumar

C. P. Verma

Supervisor: Chithra

Jagnesh Kumar

R.S. Ashwin Kumar

Kautuk Ghosle

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Delay line for mm-wave beamforming

Kunal Paradkar

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: Linearity enhanced, widely programmable LNA 

Piyush Kumar

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Prachet Bhattacharya


Shubham Purohit

Supervisor: Chithra

Vibhor Sharma

Supervisor: Imon Mondal

Research area: mm-wave delay line

Graduated students