
Vigyan Jyoti

Vigyan Jyoti is a new venture of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India which is aimed at increasing the presentation of girls in all areas of Science and Technology. Under the Vigyan Jyoti pilot programme, IIT Kanpur conducted three weeks summer residential camp for girls' students from different Government schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Schools in the Kanpur educational district, from June 4 to June 22, 2018. A total number of 26 students participated in the programme. The objective of the camp was to create excitement and interest in science and technology among the girls and to create awareness about possible career avenues in science and technology.

DRDO Robotics and Unmanned Systems Expositions

National Technology Day Celebration

Institute celebrated the National Technology Day on May 11, 2018. The event was organised by the National Centre of Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE), IIT Kanpur. Prof. Siddhartha Panda, Coordinator of NCFlexE, delivered the welcome address in the event describing the vision and achievement of the centre. Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director IIT Kanpur, addressed the audience and elucidated about the technological needs of the country and the appropriateness to have a theme on an emerging technology that can shape the future. Prof. Y.N. Mohapatra delivered a popular lecture titled, “What if Electronics is Flexible”. Over 250 school children from the city participated and gained exposure from the event.

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Open House Organized by IIT Kanpur for Secondary School Students in Kanpur

IIT Kanpur in partnership with the office of District Inspector of Schools (DIOS), Kanpur organized an open house at the Institute's Flight Lab for secondary school students of Kanpur Nagar on March 24, 2018. Prof. S Ganesh, Dean of Research and Development, and Mr. Vipul Mathur, Chief Engineer, Flight Lab, IIT Kanpur coordinated the event. Various demonstrations were given to the students, explaining the working mechanism of aircrafts, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the race car by SAE Club of IITK. Around 650 students from different schools, along with their principals and teachers had been present at this event.

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National Science Day

Nthe discovery of the Raman effect by Sir CV Raman. IIT Kanpur celebrated National Science Day on February 28, 2018. A thematic workshop on 'Science and technology for a Sustainable Future' had been organised by the Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE). Faculty members from the thematic area were invited to give popular talk on the related research areas.
Read highlight of the presentations.(

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