SID India Chapter

  • SID India Chapter co-sponsors Display and Lighting Symposium of International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductors 2011 (IWPSD 2011) being held at IIT Kanpur, India from December 18-22, 2011. (
  • SID India Chapter co-organizes  ICLA-2012 , the 4th International Confernce on Luminescence and its Applications, to be held Inidan Instituet of Chemical Technology at Hyderabad India from February 07-10, 2012 (Contact :Prof. K. Somaiah ; Dr. R.P. Rao ).

Events Organized in 2010

Organized Summer School on “Organic Electronics 2010” alongwith

SCDT, IIT Kanpur between 5-10 July 2010.  The course involved both lectures and hands-on laboratory experience.

The objectives of the course:

a) To promote and make academia and industry aware of state-of-art in organic electronics.

b) To form meaningful networks of researchers interested in organic electronics from academia and industry , with the possibility of utilizing infrastructure at IIT Kanpur and other institutes and industries for collaborative research.

There were about 50 participants of which 30 researchers were from all outside Kanpur from academic institutes and Industries.

The Lecture Topics  included the following:

  1. Introduction to Organic Electronics
  2. Organic Semiconductors
  3. Optical Processes
  4. Charge Injection
  5. Charge Transport
  6. I-V Characteristics of Signal Layer
  7. Organic device
  8. Organic Thin Films Transistors (OTFT)
  9. RFID (system view)
  10. Printed Transistors
  11. Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED)
  12. Display Fabrication
  13. Lighting
  14. Organic Solar Cells
  15. Inorganic Solar Cells
  16. Solar Cell (System view)